[Java] Class VerifyClass

  • org.codehaus.groovy.ant.VerifyClass

Verify Class files. This task can take the following arguments:

  • dir
When this task executes, it will recursively scan the dir and look for class files to verify.

Constructor Summary

Constructor and description
VerifyClass ()

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
void execute()
void setDir(String dir)
void setVerbose(boolean v)

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class MatchingTask add, addDate, addType, setExcludes, setIncludes, setCaseSensitive, setDefaultexcludes, createIncludesFile, createExcludesFile, addContainsRegexp, XsetItems, XsetIgnore, addSelector, setProject, setFollowSymlinks, createPatternSet, createExclude, hasSelectors, setIncludesfile, selectorCount, selectorElements, setExcludesfile, appendSelector, createInclude, getSelectors, addAnd, addOr, addNot, addModified, addCustom, addNone, addDifferent, addMajority, addContains, addDepend, addSize, addDepth, addPresent, addFilename, log, log, log, log, init, execute, getTaskName, getRuntimeConfigurableWrapper, setRuntimeConfigurableWrapper, getOwningTarget, getTaskType, setTaskName, setOwningTarget, setTaskType, maybeConfigure, reconfigure, perform, bindToOwner, clone, getLocation, setLocation, getDescription, getProject, setDescription, wait, wait, wait, equals, toString, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll
class Task log, log, log, log, init, execute, getTaskName, getRuntimeConfigurableWrapper, setRuntimeConfigurableWrapper, getOwningTarget, getTaskType, setTaskName, setOwningTarget, setTaskType, maybeConfigure, reconfigure, perform, bindToOwner, clone, getLocation, setLocation, getDescription, getProject, setDescription, setProject, wait, wait, wait, equals, toString, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll

Constructor Detail

public VerifyClass()

Method Detail

public void execute()

public void setDir(String dir)

public void setVerbose(boolean v)

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