[Java] Class RuntimeParserException

  • org.codehaus.groovy.syntax.RuntimeParserException

A helper class to allow parser exceptions to be thrown anywhere in the code. Should be replaced when no longer required.

James Strachan

Constructor Summary

Constructor and description
RuntimeParserException (String message, ASTNode node)

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
void throwParserException()

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class GroovyRuntimeException getLocationText, getMessage, getMessageWithoutLocationText, getModule, getNode, setModule
class RuntimeException printStackTrace, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, fillInStackTrace, getCause, initCause, toString, addSuppressed, getLocalizedMessage, getMessage, getStackTrace, getSuppressed, setStackTrace, wait, wait, wait, equals, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll

Constructor Detail

public RuntimeParserException(String message, ASTNode node)

Method Detail

public void throwParserException()

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