[Java] Class ClosureExpression

  • org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.ClosureExpression

Represents a closure expression such as { statement } or { i -> statement } or { i, x, String y -> statement }

James Strachan
Hamlet D'Arcy

Constructor Detail

public ClosureExpression(Parameter[] parameters, Statement code)

Method Detail

public Statement getCode()

This gets the code statement of the closure. You can read this method to find out what actions the closure is going to perform.

the code statement of the closure

public Parameter[] getParameters()

@Override public String getText()

public VariableScope getVariableScope()

public boolean isParameterSpecified()

public void setCode(Statement code)

This sets the code statement of the closure. You can use this method in order to add more actions during the closure execution.

code - the new Statement

public void setVariableScope(VariableScope variableScope)

public String toString()

public Expression transformExpression(ExpressionTransformer transformer)

public void visit(GroovyCodeVisitor visitor)

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