[Groovy] Class FileTreeBuilder

  • groovy.util.FileTreeBuilder

A builder dedicated at generating a file directory structure from a specification. For example, imagine that you want to create the following tree:

  |--- main
  |    |--- groovy
  |           |--- Foo.groovy
  |--- test
        |--- groovy
               |--- FooTest.groovy


Then you can create the structure using:

     def tree = new FileTreeBuilder()
     tree.dir('src') {
        dir('main') {
           dir('groovy') {
              file('Foo.groovy', 'println "Hello"')
        dir('test') {
           dir('groovy') {
              file('FooTest.groovy', 'class FooTest extends GroovyTestCase {}')

or with this shorthand syntax:

     def tree = new FileTreeBuilder()
     tree.src {
        main {
           groovy {
              'Foo.groovy'('println "Hello"')
        test {
           groovy {
              'FooTest.groovy'('class FooTest extends GroovyTestCase {}')

Properties Summary

Type Name and description
File baseDir

Constructor Summary

Constructor and description
FileTreeBuilder (File baseDir = new File('.')

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
File call(Closure spec)
File dir(String name)
Creates a new empty directory
File dir(String name, Closure cl)
Creates a new directory and allows to specify a subdirectory structure using the closure as a specification
File file(String name, CharSequence contents)
Creates a file with the specified name and the text contents using the system default encoding.
File file(String name, byte[] contents)
Creates a file with the specified name and the specified binary contents
File file(String name, File source)
Creates a file with the specified name and the contents from the source file (copy).
File file(String name, Closure spec)
Creates a new file in the current directory, whose contents is going to be generated in the closure.
def methodMissing(String name, def args)

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class Object wait, wait, wait, equals, toString, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll

Property Detail

File baseDir

Constructor Detail

FileTreeBuilder(File baseDir = new File('.')

Method Detail

File call(@DelegatesTo(value = FileTreeBuilder, strategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST) Closure spec)

File dir(String name)

Creates a new empty directory

name - the name of the directory to create
the created directory

File dir(String name, @DelegatesTo(value = FileTreeBuilder, strategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST) Closure cl)

Creates a new directory and allows to specify a subdirectory structure using the closure as a specification

name - name of the directory to be created
cl - specification of the subdirectory structure
the created directory

File file(String name, CharSequence contents)

Creates a file with the specified name and the text contents using the system default encoding.

name - name of the file to be created
contents - the contents of the file, written using the system default encoding
the file being created

File file(String name, byte[] contents)

Creates a file with the specified name and the specified binary contents

name - name of the file to be created
contents - the contents of the file
the file being created

File file(String name, File source)

Creates a file with the specified name and the contents from the source file (copy).

name - name of the file to be created
contents - the contents of the file
the file being created

File file(String name, @DelegatesTo(value = File, strategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST) Closure spec)

Creates a new file in the current directory, whose contents is going to be generated in the closure. The delegate of the closure is the file being created.

name - name of the file to create
spec - closure for generating the file contents
the created file

def methodMissing(String name, def args)

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