[Java] Class SimpleGroovyDoc

  • org.codehaus.groovy.tools.groovydoc.SimpleGroovyDoc
All Implemented Interfaces and Traits:
GroovyDoc, GroovyTokenTypes
public class SimpleGroovyDoc
extends Object

Constructor Summary

Constructor and description
SimpleGroovyDoc (String name)

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
static String calculateFirstSentence(String raw)
String commentText()
int compareTo(Object that)
String firstSentenceCommentText()
String getRawCommentText()
String getTypeDescription()
String getTypeSourceDescription()
boolean isAnnotationType()
boolean isAnnotationTypeElement()
boolean isClass()
boolean isConstructor()
boolean isDeprecated()
boolean isEnum()
boolean isEnumConstant()
boolean isError()
boolean isException()
boolean isField()
boolean isIncluded()
boolean isInterface()
boolean isMethod()
boolean isOrdinaryClass()
boolean isScript()
boolean isTrait()
String name()
protected void setCommentText(String commentText)
void setDeprecated(boolean deprecated)
protected void setFirstSentenceCommentText(String firstSentenceCommentText)
void setRawCommentText(String rawCommentText)
void setScript(boolean script)
void setTokenType(int t)
GroovyTag[] tags()
String toString()
int tokenType()

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class Object wait, wait, wait, equals, toString, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll

Constructor Detail

public SimpleGroovyDoc(String name)

Method Detail

public static String calculateFirstSentence(String raw)

public String commentText()

public int compareTo(Object that)

public String firstSentenceCommentText()

public String getRawCommentText()

public String getTypeDescription()

public String getTypeSourceDescription()

public boolean isAnnotationType()

public boolean isAnnotationTypeElement()

public boolean isClass()

public boolean isConstructor()

public boolean isDeprecated()

public boolean isEnum()

public boolean isEnumConstant()

public boolean isError()

public boolean isException()

public boolean isField()

public boolean isIncluded()

public boolean isInterface()

public boolean isMethod()

public boolean isOrdinaryClass()

public boolean isScript()

public boolean isTrait()

public String name()

protected void setCommentText(String commentText)

public void setDeprecated(boolean deprecated)

protected void setFirstSentenceCommentText(String firstSentenceCommentText)

public void setRawCommentText(String rawCommentText)

public void setScript(boolean script)

public void setTokenType(int t)

public GroovyTag[] tags()

public String toString()

public int tokenType()

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