[Java] Class Utilities

  • org.codehaus.groovy.tools.Utilities

Various utility functions for use in the compiler.

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
static String eol()
Returns the end-of-line marker.
static boolean isJavaIdentifier(String name)
Tells if the given string is a valid Java identifier.
static String repeatString(String pattern, int repeats)
Returns a string made up of repetitions of the specified string.

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class Object wait, wait, wait, equals, toString, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll

Method Detail

public static String eol()

Returns the end-of-line marker.

public static boolean isJavaIdentifier(String name)

Tells if the given string is a valid Java identifier.

public static String repeatString(String pattern, int repeats)

Returns a string made up of repetitions of the specified string.

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