[Groovy] Class Console
- groovy.ui.Console
- All Implemented Interfaces and Traits:
- CaretListener, HyperlinkListener, ComponentListener, FocusListener
class Console
Groovy Swing console. Allows user to interactively enter and execute Groovy.
- Authors:
- Danno Ferrin
- Dierk Koenig, changed Layout, included Selection sensitivity, included ObjectBrowser
- Alan Green more features: history, System.out capture, bind result to _
- Guillaume Laforge, stacktrace hyperlinking to the current script line
- Hamlet D'Arcy, AST browser
- Roshan Dawrani
- Paul King
- Andre Steingress
Field Summary
Modifiers | Name | Description |
static URL | ICON_PATH | |
Properties Summary
Constructor Summary
Constructor and description |
() |
(Binding binding) |
(ClassLoader parent) |
(ClassLoader parent, Binding binding) |
Methods Summary
Inherited Methods Summary
Methods inherited from class | Name |
class Object | wait, wait, wait, equals, toString, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll |
Field Detail
public static URL ICON_PATH
public static URL NODE_ICON_PATH
Property Detail
Closure afterExecution
boolean autoClearOutput
Action autoClearOutputAction
Closure beforeExecution
Component blank
static boolean captureStdErr
static boolean captureStdOut
int colNum
Style commandStyle
CompilerConfiguration config
static def consoleControllers
Component copyFromComponent
File currentClasspathDir
File currentClasspathJarDir
File currentFileChooserDir
int cursorPos
boolean detachedOutput
Action detachedOutputAction
boolean dirty
RootPaneContainer frame
static def frameConsoleDelegates
boolean fullStackTraces
Action fullStackTracesAction
static def groovyFileFilter
Action hideOutputWindowAction1
Action hideOutputWindowAction2
Action hideOutputWindowAction3
Action hideOutputWindowAction4
List history
int historyIndex
Style hyperlinkStyle
JTextPane inputArea
ConsoleTextEditor inputEditor
Action interruptAction
int maxHistory
int maxOutputChars
Action nextHistoryAction
int origDividerSize
JTextPane outputArea
Style outputStyle
Component outputWindow
HistoryRecord pendingRecord
Action prevHistoryAction
Style promptStyle
Style resultStyle
Element rootElement
int rowNum
JLabel rowNumAndColNum
Thread runThread
Action saveAction
boolean saveOnRun
Action saveOnRunAction
def scriptFile
int scriptNameCounter
boolean scriptRunning
Component scrollArea
GroovyShell shell
Action showOutputWindowAction
boolean showScriptInOutput
Action showScriptInOutputAction
boolean showToolbar
Action showToolbarAction
JSplitPane splitPane
boolean stackOverFlowError
Style stacktraceStyle
JLabel statusLabel
SwingBuilder swing
SystemOutputInterceptor systemErrorInterceptor
SystemOutputInterceptor systemOutInterceptor
int textSelectionEnd
int textSelectionStart
boolean threadInterrupt
Action threadInterruptAction
Component toolbar
boolean useScriptClassLoaderForScriptExecution
boolean visualizeScriptResults
Action visualizeScriptResultsAction
Constructor Detail
Console(Binding binding)
Console(ClassLoader parent)
Console(ClassLoader parent, Binding binding)
Method Detail
void addClasspathDir(EventObject evt = null)
void addClasspathJar(EventObject evt = null)
void addToHistory(def record)
void appendOutput(String text, AttributeSet style)
void appendOutput(Window window, AttributeSet style)
void appendOutput(Object object, AttributeSet style)
void appendOutput(Component component, AttributeSet style)
void appendOutput(Icon icon, AttributeSet style)
void appendOutputLines(def text, def style)
void appendOutputNl(def text, def style)
void appendStacktrace(def text)
def askToInterruptScript()
boolean askToSaveFile()
void autoClearOutput(EventObject evt)
void beep()
void bindResults()
static void captureStdErr(EventObject evt)
static void captureStdOut(EventObject evt)
void caretUpdate(CaretEvent e)
void clearContext(EventObject evt = null)
void clearOutput(EventObject evt = null)
void comment(EventObject evt = null)
def compileFinishNormal()
void compileScript(EventObject evt = null)
void componentHidden(ComponentEvent e)
void componentMoved(ComponentEvent e)
void componentResized(ComponentEvent e)
void componentShown(ComponentEvent e)
void copy(EventObject evt = null)
void cut(EventObject evt = null)
void detachedOutput(EventObject evt)
void doInterrupt(EventObject evt = null)
void exit(EventObject evt = null)
void fileNewFile(EventObject evt = null)
void fileNewWindow(EventObject evt = null)
void fileOpen(EventObject evt = null)
boolean fileSave(EventObject evt = null)
boolean fileSaveAs(EventObject evt = null)
void find(EventObject evt = null)
void findNext(EventObject evt = null)
void findPrevious(EventObject evt = null)
def finishException(Throwable t, boolean executing)
def finishNormal(Object result)
void focusGained(FocusEvent e)
void focusLost(FocusEvent e)
void fullStackTraces(EventObject evt)
int getConsoleId()
def getLastResult()
void hideAndClearOutputWindow(EventObject evt = null)
void hideOutputWindow(EventObject evt = null)
void historyNext(EventObject evt = null)
void historyPrev(EventObject evt = null)
void hyperlinkUpdate(HyperlinkEvent e)
void inspectAst(EventObject evt = null)
void inspectLast(EventObject evt = null)
void inspectVariables(EventObject evt = null)
void installInterceptor()
void invokeTextAction(def evt, def closure, def area = inputArea)
void largerFont(EventObject evt = null)
void loadScriptFile(File file)
static void main(def args)
void newScript(ClassLoader parent, Binding binding)
static boolean notifySystemErr(int consoleId, String str)
static boolean notifySystemOut(int consoleId, String str)
void paste(EventObject evt = null)
void print(EventObject evt = null)
void redo(EventObject evt = null)
void replace(EventObject evt = null)
void run()
void run(JApplet applet)
void run(Map defaults)
void runScript(EventObject evt = null)
void runSelectedScript(EventObject evt = null)
void saveOnRun(EventObject evt = null)
void selectAll(EventObject evt = null)
def selectFilename(def name = 'Open')
void setDirty(boolean newDirty)
void setRowNumAndColNum()
void setVariable(String name, Object value)
void showAbout(EventObject evt = null)
void showCompilingMessage()
void showExecutingMessage()
void showMessage(String message)
void showOutputWindow(EventObject evt = null)
void showScriptInOutput(EventObject evt)
void showToolbar(EventObject evt)
void smallerFont(EventObject evt = null)
void threadInterruption(EventObject evt)
void undo(EventObject evt = null)
void updateTitle()
void visualizeScriptResults(EventObject evt)
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