[Java] Annotation Type TypeCheckingInfo

  • groovy.transform.TypeChecked.TypeCheckingInfo

This annotation is added by

on methods which have type checking turned on. It is used to embed type information into binary, so that the type checker can use this information, if available, for precompiled classes.

Element Summary

Required Element Summary
Type Name and Description
String inferredType
An encoded type information.
Optional Element Summary
Type Name and Description
int version
Returns the type checker information protocol number.

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class Object wait, wait, wait, equals, toString, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll

Element Detail

public String inferredType

An encoded type information.

the inferred type

public int version

Returns the type checker information protocol number. This is used if the format of the string used in inferredType() changes. @default 0

the protocol version

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