[Java] Class ObjectRange

  • groovy.lang.ObjectRange
All Implemented Interfaces and Traits:
public class ObjectRange
extends AbstractList

Represents an inclusive list of objects from a value to a value using comparators.

Note: This class is similar to IntRange. If you make any changes to this class, you might consider making parallel changes to IntRange.

Constructor Summary

Constructor and description
ObjectRange (Comparable from, Comparable to)
Creates a new ObjectRange.
ObjectRange (Comparable from, Comparable to, boolean reverse)

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
boolean contains(Object value)
iterates over all values and returns true if one value matches.
boolean containsWithinBounds(Object value)
Checks whether a value is between the from and to values of a Range
protected Object decrement(Object value)
Decrements by one
boolean equals(Object that)
boolean equals(ObjectRange that)
Compares an ObjectRange to another ObjectRange.
Object get(int index)
Comparable getFrom()
Comparable getTo()
protected Object increment(Object value)
Increments by one
String inspect()
boolean isReverse()
Iterator iterator()
int size()
void step(int step, Closure closure)
List step(int step)
List subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex)
String toString()

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class AbstractList add, add, remove, get, equals, hashCode, indexOf, clear, iterator, lastIndexOf, subList, addAll, set, listIterator, listIterator, remove, toString, contains, isEmpty, size, toArray, toArray, addAll, containsAll, removeAll, retainAll, wait, wait, wait, getClass, notify, notifyAll, stream, removeIf, parallelStream, forEach, replaceAll, size, spliterator, sort
class AbstractCollection add, remove, toString, clear, contains, isEmpty, iterator, size, toArray, toArray, addAll, containsAll, removeAll, retainAll, wait, wait, wait, equals, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll, spliterator, stream, removeIf, parallelStream, forEach

Constructor Detail

public ObjectRange(Comparable from, Comparable to)

Creates a new ObjectRange. Creates a reversed range if from < to.

from - the first value in the range.
to - the last value in the range.

public ObjectRange(Comparable from, Comparable to, boolean reverse)

Method Detail

@Override public boolean contains(Object value)

iterates over all values and returns true if one value matches. Also see containsWithinBounds.

@Override public boolean containsWithinBounds(Object value)

Checks whether a value is between the from and to values of a Range

value - the value of interest
true if the value is within the bounds

protected Object decrement(Object value)

Decrements by one

value - the value to decrement
the decremented value

public boolean equals(Object that)


public boolean equals(ObjectRange that)

Compares an ObjectRange to another ObjectRange.

that - the object to check equality with
true if the ranges are equal

@Override public Object get(int index)


@Override public Comparable getFrom()


@Override public Comparable getTo()


protected Object increment(Object value)

Increments by one

value - the value to increment
the incremented value

@Override public String inspect()


@Override public boolean isReverse()


public Iterator iterator()


@Override public int size()


@Override public void step(int step, Closure closure)


@Override public List step(int step)


@Override public List subList(int fromIndex, int toIndex)


public String toString()


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