[Java] Class Node

  • groovy.util.Node
All Implemented Interfaces and Traits:
Serializable, Cloneable
public class Node
extends Object

Represents an arbitrary tree node which can be used for structured metadata or any arbitrary XML-like tree. A node can have a name, a value and an optional Map of attributes. Typically the name is a String and a value is either a String or a List of other Nodes, though the types are extensible to provide a flexible structure, e.g. you could use a QName as the name which includes a namespace URI and a local name. Or a JMX ObjectName etc. So this class can represent metadata like {foo a=1 b="abc"} or nested metadata like {foo a=1 b="123" { bar x=12 text="hello" }}

James Strachan
Paul King

Constructor Summary

Constructor and description
Node (Node parent, Object name)
Creates a new Node named name and if a parent is supplied, adds the newly created node as a child of the parent.
Node (Node parent, Object name, Object value)
Creates a new Node named name with value value and if a parent is supplied, adds the newly created node as a child of the parent.
Node (Node parent, Object name, Map attributes)
Creates a new Node named name with attributes specified in the attributes Map.
Node (Node parent, Object name, Map attributes, Object value)
Creates a new Node named name with value value and with attributes specified in the attributes Map.

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
boolean append(Node child)
Appends a child to the current node.
Node appendNode(Object name, Map attributes)
Creates a new node as a child of the current node.
Node appendNode(Object name)
Creates a new node as a child of the current node.
Node appendNode(Object name, Object value)
Creates a new node as a child of the current node.
Node appendNode(Object name, Map attributes, Object value)
Creates a new node as a child of the current node.
Object attribute(Object key)
Provides lookup of attributes by key.
Map attributes()
Returns a Map of the attributes of the node or an empty Map if the node does not have any attributes.
List breadthFirst()
Provides a collection of all the nodes in the tree using a breadth-first traversal.
List children()
Returns a List of the nodes children.
Object clone()
Creates a new Node with the same name, no parent, shallow cloned attributes and if the value is a NodeList, a (deep) clone of those nodes.
List depthFirst()
Provides a collection of all the nodes in the tree using a depth first traversal.
Object get(String key)
Provides lookup of elements by non-namespaced name
NodeList getAt(QName name)
Provides lookup of elements by QName.
Iterator iterator()
Returns an Iterator of the children of the node.
List<String> localText()
Returns the list of any direct String nodes of this node.
Object name()
Returns an Object representing the name of the node.
Node parent()
Returns the parent of the node.
void plus(Closure c)
Adds sibling nodes (defined using builder-style notation via a Closure) after the current node.
void print(PrintWriter out)
Writes the node to the specified PrintWriter.
boolean remove(Node child)
Removes a child of the current node.
Node replaceNode(Closure c)
Replaces the current node with nodes defined using builder-style notation via a Closure.
Node replaceNode(Node n)
Replaces the current node with the supplied node.
protected static void setMetaClass(MetaClass metaClass, Class nodeClass)
Extension point for subclasses to override the metaclass.
protected void setParent(Node parent)
Adds or replaces the parent of the node.
void setValue(Object value)
Adds or replaces the value of the node.
String text()
Returns the textual representation of the current node and all its child nodes.
String toString()
Object value()
Returns an Object representing the value of the node.

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class Object wait, wait, wait, equals, toString, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll

Constructor Detail

public Node(Node parent, Object name)

Creates a new Node named name and if a parent is supplied, adds the newly created node as a child of the parent.

parent - the parent node or null if no parent
name - the name of the node

public Node(Node parent, Object name, Object value)

Creates a new Node named name with value value and if a parent is supplied, adds the newly created node as a child of the parent.

parent - the parent node or null if no parent
name - the name of the node
value - the Node value, e.g. some text but in general any Object

public Node(Node parent, Object name, Map attributes)

Creates a new Node named name with attributes specified in the attributes Map. If a parent is supplied, the newly created node is added as a child of the parent.

parent - the parent node or null if no parent
name - the name of the node
attributes - a Map of name-value pairs

public Node(Node parent, Object name, Map attributes, Object value)

Creates a new Node named name with value value and with attributes specified in the attributes Map. If a parent is supplied, the newly created node is added as a child of the parent.

parent - the parent node or null if no parent
name - the name of the node
attributes - a Map of name-value pairs
value - the Node value, e.g. some text but in general any Object

Method Detail

public boolean append(Node child)

Appends a child to the current node.

child - the child to append

public Node appendNode(Object name, Map attributes)

Creates a new node as a child of the current node.

name - the name of the new node
attributes - the attributes of the new node
the newly created Node

public Node appendNode(Object name)

Creates a new node as a child of the current node.

name - the name of the new node
the newly created Node

public Node appendNode(Object name, Object value)

Creates a new node as a child of the current node.

name - the name of the new node
value - the value of the new node
the newly created Node

public Node appendNode(Object name, Map attributes, Object value)

Creates a new node as a child of the current node.

name - the name of the new node
attributes - the attributes of the new node
value - the value of the new node
the newly created Node

public Object attribute(Object key)

Provides lookup of attributes by key.

key - the key of interest
the attribute matching the key or null if no match exists

public Map attributes()

Returns a Map of the attributes of the node or an empty Map if the node does not have any attributes.

the attributes of the node

public List breadthFirst()

Provides a collection of all the nodes in the tree using a breadth-first traversal.

the list of (breadth-first) ordered nodes

public List children()

Returns a List of the nodes children.

the nodes children

@Override public Object clone()

Creates a new Node with the same name, no parent, shallow cloned attributes and if the value is a NodeList, a (deep) clone of those nodes.

the clone

public List depthFirst()

Provides a collection of all the nodes in the tree using a depth first traversal.

the list of (depth-first) ordered nodes

public Object get(String key)

Provides lookup of elements by non-namespaced name

key - the name (or shortcut key) of the node(s) of interest
the nodes which match key

public NodeList getAt(QName name)

Provides lookup of elements by QName.

name - the QName of interest
the nodes matching name

public Iterator iterator()

Returns an Iterator of the children of the node.

the iterator of the nodes children

public List<String> localText()

Returns the list of any direct String nodes of this node.

the list of String values from this node

public Object name()

Returns an Object representing the name of the node.

the name or null if name is empty

public Node parent()

Returns the parent of the node.

the parent or null for the root node

public void plus(Closure c)

Adds sibling nodes (defined using builder-style notation via a Closure) after the current node.

c - A Closure defining the new sibling nodes to add using builder-style notation.

public void print(PrintWriter out)

Writes the node to the specified PrintWriter.

out - the writer receiving the output

public boolean remove(Node child)

Removes a child of the current node.

child - the child to remove
true if the param was a child of the current node

public Node replaceNode(Closure c)

Replaces the current node with nodes defined using builder-style notation via a Closure.

c - A Closure defining the new nodes using builder-style notation.
the original now replaced node

public Node replaceNode(Node n)

Replaces the current node with the supplied node.

n - the new Node
the original now replaced node

protected static void setMetaClass(MetaClass metaClass, Class nodeClass)

Extension point for subclasses to override the metaclass. The default one supports the property and @ attribute notations.

metaClass - the original metaclass
nodeClass - the class whose metaclass we wish to override (this class or a subclass)

protected void setParent(Node parent)

Adds or replaces the parent of the node.

parent - the new parent of the node

public void setValue(Object value)

Adds or replaces the value of the node.

value - the new value of the node

public String text()

Returns the textual representation of the current node and all its child nodes.

the text value of the node including child text

public String toString()

public Object value()

Returns an Object representing the value of the node.

the value or null if value is empty

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