[Java] Annotation Type InheritConstructors

  • groovy.transform.InheritConstructors

Class annotation to make constructors from a super class available in a sub class. Do not use with TupleConstructor.

@InheritConstructors saves you typing some boilerplate code.

Example usage:

 class Person {
     String first, last
     Person(String first, String last) {
         this.first = first
         this.last = last.toUpperCase()

 class PersonAge extends Person {
     int age

 def js = new PersonAge('John', 'Smith')
 js.age = 25
 assert "$js.last, $js.first is $js.age years old" == 'SMITH, John is 25 years old'
for this case, the PersonAge class will be equivalent to the following code:
 class PersonAge extends Person {
     PersonAge(String first, String last) {
         super(first, last)
     int age
You may add additional constructors in addition to inherited ones. If the argument types of a supplied constructor exactly match those of a parent constructor, then that constructor won't be inherited.

Style note: Don't go overboard using this annotation. Typical Groovy style is to use named-arg constructors when possible. This is easy to do for Groovy objects or any objects following JavaBean conventions. In other cases, inheriting the constructors may be useful. However, sub-classes often introduce new properties and these are often best set in a constructor; especially if that matches the style adopted in parent classes. So, even for the example above, it may have been better style to define an explicit constructor for PersonAge that also set the age property. Sometimes, consistent style is much more important than saving a few keystrokes.

As another example, this:

 @InheritConstructors class CustomException extends RuntimeException { }
is equivalent to this:
 class CustomException extends RuntimeException {
     CustomException() {
     CustomException(String message) {
     CustomException(String message, Throwable cause) {
         super(message, cause)
     CustomException(Throwable cause) {
Advanced note:If you create Groovy constructors with optional arguments this leads to multiple constructors created in the byte code. The expansion to multiple constructors occurs in a later phase to this AST transformation. This means that you can't override (i.e. not inherit) the constructors with signatures that Groovy adds later. If you get it wrong you will get a compile-time error about the duplication.

More examples:

 import groovy.transform.InheritConstructors

 class MyException extends Exception {

 def e = new MyException()
 def e1 = new MyException('message')   // Other constructors are available.
 assert 'message' == e1.message
 import groovy.transform.InheritConstructors
 class Person {
     String name

     Person(String name) {
         this.name = name

 class Child extends Person {}

 def child = new Child('Liam')
 assert 'Liam' == child.name
Paul King

Element Summary

Optional Element Summary
Type Name and Description
boolean constructorAnnotations
Whether to carry over annotations on the copied constructors.
boolean parameterAnnotations
Whether to carry over parameter annotations on the copied constructors.

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class Object wait, wait, wait, equals, toString, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll

Element Detail

public boolean constructorAnnotations

Whether to carry over annotations on the copied constructors. Currently Closure annotation members are not supported. @default false

true if copied constructor should keep constructor annotations

public boolean parameterAnnotations

Whether to carry over parameter annotations on the copied constructors. Currently Closure annotation members are not supported. @default false

true if copied constructor should keep parameter annotations

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