[Java] Class Java7

  • org.codehaus.groovy.vmplugin.v7.Java7

Java 7 based functions. Currently just a stub but you can add your own methods to your own version and place it on the classpath ahead of this one.

Jochen Theodorou

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
Object getInvokeSpecialHandle(Method method, Object receiver)
int getVersion()
void invalidateCallSites()
Object invokeHandle(Object handle, Object[] args)

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class Java6 getVersion
class Java5 configureAnnotation, configureClassNode, getInvokeSpecialHandle, getPluginDefaultGroovyMethods, getPluginStaticGroovyMethods, getVersion, invalidateCallSites, invokeHandle, setAdditionalClassInformation
class Object wait, wait, wait, equals, toString, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll

Method Detail

@Override public Object getInvokeSpecialHandle(Method method, Object receiver)

@Override public int getVersion()

@Override public void invalidateCallSites()

@Override public Object invokeHandle(Object handle, Object[] args)

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