[Java] Class WarningMessage

  • org.codehaus.groovy.control.messages.WarningMessage

A class for warning messages.

Chris Poirier

Field Summary

Modifiers Name Description
static int LIKELY_ERRORS
static int NONE
static int PARANOIA
Inherited fields
Fields inherited from class Fields
class LocatedMessage context
class SimpleMessage data, message, owner

Constructor Summary

Constructor and description
WarningMessage (int importance, String message, CSTNode context, SourceUnit owner)
Creates a new warning message.
WarningMessage (int importance, String message, Object data, CSTNode context, SourceUnit owner)
Creates a new warning message.

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
static boolean isRelevant(int actual, int limit)
Returns true if a warning would be relevant to the specified level.
boolean isRelevant(int importance)
Returns true if this message is as or more important than the specified importance level.
void write(PrintWriter writer, Janitor janitor)

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class LocatedMessage write
class SimpleMessage getMessage, write
class Message create, create, create, write, write
class Object wait, wait, wait, equals, toString, hashCode, getClass, notify, notifyAll

Field Detail

public static final int LIKELY_ERRORS

public static final int NONE

public static final int PARANOIA

public static final int POSSIBLE_ERRORS

Constructor Detail

public WarningMessage(int importance, String message, CSTNode context, SourceUnit owner)

Creates a new warning message.

importance - the warning level
message - the message text
context - context information for locating the offending source text

public WarningMessage(int importance, String message, Object data, CSTNode context, SourceUnit owner)

Creates a new warning message.

importance - the warning level
message - the message text
data - additional data needed when generating the message
context - context information for locating the offending source text

Method Detail

public static boolean isRelevant(int actual, int limit)

Returns true if a warning would be relevant to the specified level.

public boolean isRelevant(int importance)

Returns true if this message is as or more important than the specified importance level.

public void write(PrintWriter writer, Janitor janitor)

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