[Groovy] Class GroovyShellTestCase

  • groovy.util.GroovyShellTestCase

Groovy test case, which recreates internal GroovyShell in each setUp ()

Alex Tkachman

Field Summary

Modifiers Name Description
protected GroovyShell shell
Inherited fields
Fields inherited from class Fields
class GroovyTestCase TEST_SCRIPT_NAME_PREFIX, log

Methods Summary

Type Params Return Type Name and description
protected GroovyShell createNewShell()
Create new shell instance.
protected void setUp()
protected void tearDown()
protected def withBinding(Map map, Closure closure)
Executes closure with given binding
protected def withBinding(Map map, String script)
Evaluates script with given binding

Inherited Methods Summary

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from class Name
class GroovyTestCase assertArrayEquals, assertContains, assertContains, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertEquals, assertInspect, assertLength, assertLength, assertLength, assertScript, assertToString, fixEOLs, getMethodName, getName, getTestClassName, notYetImplemented, notYetImplemented, shouldFail, shouldFail, shouldFail, shouldFail, shouldFailWithCause

Field Detail

@Delegate protected GroovyShell shell

Method Detail

protected GroovyShell createNewShell()

Create new shell instance. Overwrite it to customize

protected void setUp()

protected void tearDown()

protected def withBinding(Map map, Closure closure)

Executes closure with given binding

protected def withBinding(Map map, String script)

Evaluates script with given binding

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