Compute Default 'mfrow' From Number of Plots
Easy setup for plotting multiple figures (in a rectangular layout) on one page. This computes a sensible default for par(mfrow)
n2mfrow(nr.plots, asp = 1)
nr.plots | integer; the number of plot figures you'll want to draw. |
asp | positive number; the target aspect ratio (columns / rows) in the output. Was implicitly hardwired to |
A length-two integer vector (nr, nc)
giving the positive number of rows and columns, fulfilling nr * nc >= nr.plots
, and currently, for asp = 1
, nr >= nc >= 1
Conceptually, this is a quadratic integer optimization problem, with inequality constraints nr >= 1, nc >= 1, and nr.plots >= nr*nc (and possibly nr >= asp*nc
), and two objective functions which would have to be combined via a tuning weight, say w, to, e.g., (nr.plots - nr*nc) + w |nr/nc - asp|.
The current algorithm is simple and not trying to solve one of these optimization problems.
Martin Maechler; suggestion of asp
by Michael Chirico.
See Also
require(graphics) n2mfrow(8) # 3 x 3 n <- 5 ; x <- seq(-2, 2, length.out = 51) ## suppose now that 'n' is not known {inside function} op <- par(mfrow = n2mfrow(n)) for (j in 1:n) plot(x, x^j, main = substitute(x^ exp, list(exp = j)), type = "l", col = "blue") sapply(1:14, n2mfrow) sapply(1:14, n2mfrow, asp=16/9)
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