Occupational Status of Fathers and their Sons
Cross-classification of a sample of British males according to each subject's occupational status and his father's occupational status.
A table
of counts, with classifying factors origin
(father's occupational status; levels 1:8
) and destination
(son's occupational status; levels 1:8
Goodman, L. A. (1979) Simple Models for the Analysis of Association in Cross-Classifications having Ordered Categories. J. Am. Stat. Assoc., 74 (367), 537–552.
The data set has been in package gnm and been provided by the package authors.
require(stats); require(graphics) plot(occupationalStatus) ## Fit a uniform association model separating diagonal effects Diag <- as.factor(diag(1:8)) Rscore <- scale(as.numeric(row(occupationalStatus)), scale = FALSE) Cscore <- scale(as.numeric(col(occupationalStatus)), scale = FALSE) modUnif <- glm(Freq ~ origin + destination + Diag + Rscore:Cscore, family = poisson, data = occupationalStatus) summary(modUnif) plot(modUnif) # 4 plots, with warning about h_ii ~= 1
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