Clustering modules
- consul - Add, modify & delete services within a consul cluster.
- consul_acl - Manipulate Consul ACL keys and rules
- consul_kv - Manipulate entries in the key/value store of a consul cluster
- consul_session - Manipulate consul sessions
- etcd3 - Set or delete key value pairs from an etcd3 cluster
- pacemaker_cluster - Manage pacemaker clusters
- znode - Create, delete, retrieve, and update znodes using ZooKeeper
- k8s_raw - Manage Kubernetes (K8s) objects
- k8s_scale - Set a new size for a Deployment, ReplicaSet, Replication Controller, or Job.
- kubernetes - Manage Kubernetes resources (D)
- oc - Manage OpenShift Resources (D)
- openshift_raw - Manage OpenShift objects
- openshift_scale - Set a new size for a Deployment Config, Deployment, Replica Set, Replication Controller, or Job.
- (D): This marks a module as deprecated, which means a module is kept for backwards compatibility but usage is discouraged. The module documentation details page may explain more about this rationale.
© 2012–2018 Michael DeHaan
© 2018–2019 Red Hat, Inc.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.