azure_rm_deployment - Create or destroy Azure Resource Manager template deployments
New in version 2.1.
- Create or destroy Azure Resource Manager template deployments via the Azure SDK for Python. You can find some quick start templates in GitHub here For more information on Azue resource manager templates see
The below requirements are needed on the host that executes this module.
- python >= 2.7
- azure >= 2.0.0
Parameter | Choices/Defaults | Comments |
ad_user | Default: None | Active Directory username. Use when authenticating with an Active Directory user rather than service principal. |
api_profile (added in 2.5) |
| Selects an API profile to use when communicating with Azure services. Default value of latest is appropriate for public clouds; future values will allow use with Azure Stack. |
auth_source (added in 2.5) |
| Controls the source of the credentials to use for authentication. auto will follow the default precedence of module parameters -> environment variables -> default profile in credential file ~/.azure/credentials .When set to cli , the credentials will be sources from the default Azure CLI profile.Can also be set via the ANSIBLE_AZURE_AUTH_SOURCE environment variable. |
cert_validation_mode (added in 2.5) |
None | Controls the certificate validation behavior for Azure endpoints. By default, all modules will validate the server certificate, but when an HTTPS proxy is in use, or against Azure Stack, it may be necessary to disable this behavior by passing ignore . Can also be set via credential file profile or the AZURE_CERT_VALIDATION environment variable. |
client_id | Default: None | Azure client ID. Use when authenticating with a Service Principal. |
cloud_environment (added in 2.4) | Default: AzureCloud | For cloud environments other than the US public cloud, the environment name (as defined by Azure Python SDK, eg, AzureChinaCloud , AzureUSGovernment ), or a metadata discovery endpoint URL (required for Azure Stack). Can also be set via credential file profile or the AZURE_CLOUD_ENVIRONMENT environment variable. |
deployment_mode |
| In incremental mode, resources are deployed without deleting existing resources that are not included in the template. In complete mode resources are deployed and existing resources in the resource group not included in the template are deleted. |
deployment_name | Default: ansible-arm | The name of the deployment to be tracked in the resource group deployment history. Re-using a deployment name will overwrite the previous value in the resource group's deployment history. |
location | Default: westus | The geo-locations in which the resource group will be located. |
parameters | Default: None | A hash of all the required template variables for the deployment template. This parameter is mutually exclusive with 'parameters_link'. Either one of them is required if "state" parameter is "present". |
parameters_link | Default: None | Uri of file containing the parameters body. This parameter is mutually exclusive with 'parameters'. Either one of them is required if "state" parameter is "present". |
password | Default: None | Active Directory user password. Use when authenticating with an Active Directory user rather than service principal. |
profile | Default: None | Security profile found in ~/.azure/credentials file. |
resource_group_name required | The resource group name to use or create to host the deployed template | |
secret | Default: None | Azure client secret. Use when authenticating with a Service Principal. |
state |
| If state is "present", template will be created. If state is "present" and if deployment exists, it will be updated. If state is "absent", stack will be removed. |
subscription_id | Default: None | Your Azure subscription Id. |
template | Default: None | A hash containing the templates inline. This parameter is mutually exclusive with 'template_link'. Either one of them is required if "state" parameter is "present". |
template_link | Default: None | Uri of file containing the template body. This parameter is mutually exclusive with 'template'. Either one of them is required if "state" parameter is "present". |
tenant | Default: None | Azure tenant ID. Use when authenticating with a Service Principal. |
wait_for_deployment_completion |
| Whether or not to block until the deployment has completed. |
wait_for_deployment_polling_period | Default: 10 | Time (in seconds) to wait between polls when waiting for deployment completion. |
- For authentication with Azure you can pass parameters, set environment variables or use a profile stored in ~/.azure/credentials. Authentication is possible using a service principal or Active Directory user. To authenticate via service principal, pass subscription_id, client_id, secret and tenant or set environment variables AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID, AZURE_CLIENT_ID, AZURE_SECRET and AZURE_TENANT.
- To authenticate via Active Directory user, pass ad_user and password, or set AZURE_AD_USER and AZURE_PASSWORD in the environment.
- Alternatively, credentials can be stored in ~/.azure/credentials. This is an ini file containing a [default] section and the following keys: subscription_id, client_id, secret and tenant or subscription_id, ad_user and password. It is also possible to add additional profiles. Specify the profile by passing profile or setting AZURE_PROFILE in the environment.
# Destroy a template deployment - name: Destroy Azure Deploy azure_rm_deployment: state: absent subscription_id: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx resource_group_name: dev-ops-cle # Create or update a template deployment based on uris using parameter and template links - name: Create Azure Deploy azure_rm_deployment: state: present resource_group_name: dev-ops-cle template_link: '' parameters_link: '' # Create or update a template deployment based on a uri to the template and parameters specified inline. # This deploys a VM with SSH support for a given public key, then stores the result in 'azure_vms'. The result is then # used to create a new host group. This host group is then used to wait for each instance to respond to the public IP SSH. --- - hosts: localhost connection: local gather_facts: no tasks: - name: Destroy Azure Deploy azure_rm_deployment: state: absent subscription_id: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx resource_group_name: dev-ops-cle - name: Create Azure Deploy azure_rm_deployment: state: present subscription_id: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx resource_group_name: dev-ops-cle parameters: newStorageAccountName: value: devopsclestorage1 adminUsername: value: devopscle dnsNameForPublicIP: value: devopscleazure location: value: West US vmSize: value: Standard_A2 vmName: value: ansibleSshVm sshKeyData: value: YOUR_SSH_PUBLIC_KEY template_link: '' register: azure - name: Add new instance to host group add_host: hostname: "{{ item['ips'][0].public_ip }}" groupname: azure_vms with_items: "{{ azure.deployment.instances }}" - hosts: azure_vms user: devopscle tasks: - name: Wait for SSH to come up wait_for: port: 22 timeout: 2000 state: started - name: echo the hostname of the vm shell: hostname # Deploy an Azure WebApp running a hello world'ish node app - name: Create Azure WebApp Deployment at azure_rm_deployment: state: present subscription_id: cbbdaed0-fea9-4693-bf0c-d446ac93c030 resource_group_name: dev-ops-cle-webapp parameters: repoURL: value: '' siteName: value: devopscleweb hostingPlanName: value: someplan siteLocation: value: westus sku: value: Standard template_link: '' # Create or update a template deployment based on an inline template and parameters - name: Create Azure Deploy azure_rm_deployment: state: present subscription_id: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx resource_group_name: dev-ops-cle template: $schema: "" contentVersion: "" parameters: newStorageAccountName: type: "string" metadata: description: "Unique DNS Name for the Storage Account where the Virtual Machine's disks will be placed." adminUsername: type: "string" metadata: description: "User name for the Virtual Machine." adminPassword: type: "securestring" metadata: description: "Password for the Virtual Machine." dnsNameForPublicIP: type: "string" metadata: description: "Unique DNS Name for the Public IP used to access the Virtual Machine." ubuntuOSVersion: type: "string" defaultValue: "14.04.2-LTS" allowedValues: - "12.04.5-LTS" - "14.04.2-LTS" - "15.04" metadata: description: > The Ubuntu version for the VM. This will pick a fully patched image of this given Ubuntu version. Allowed values: 12.04.5-LTS, 14.04.2-LTS, 15.04." variables: location: "West US" imagePublisher: "Canonical" imageOffer: "UbuntuServer" OSDiskName: "osdiskforlinuxsimple" nicName: "myVMNic" addressPrefix: "" subnetName: "Subnet" subnetPrefix: "" storageAccountType: "Standard_LRS" publicIPAddressName: "myPublicIP" publicIPAddressType: "Dynamic" vmStorageAccountContainerName: "vhds" vmName: "MyUbuntuVM" vmSize: "Standard_D1" virtualNetworkName: "MyVNET" vnetID: "[resourceId('Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks',variables('virtualNetworkName'))]" subnetRef: "[concat(variables('vnetID'),'/subnets/',variables('subnetName'))]" resources: - type: "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts" name: "[parameters('newStorageAccountName')]" apiVersion: "2015-05-01-preview" location: "[variables('location')]" properties: accountType: "[variables('storageAccountType')]" - apiVersion: "2015-05-01-preview" type: "Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses" name: "[variables('publicIPAddressName')]" location: "[variables('location')]" properties: publicIPAllocationMethod: "[variables('publicIPAddressType')]" dnsSettings: domainNameLabel: "[parameters('dnsNameForPublicIP')]" - type: "Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks" apiVersion: "2015-05-01-preview" name: "[variables('virtualNetworkName')]" location: "[variables('location')]" properties: addressSpace: addressPrefixes: - "[variables('addressPrefix')]" subnets: - name: "[variables('subnetName')]" properties: addressPrefix: "[variables('subnetPrefix')]" - type: "Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces" apiVersion: "2015-05-01-preview" name: "[variables('nicName')]" location: "[variables('location')]" dependsOn: - "[concat('Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/', variables('publicIPAddressName'))]" - "[concat('Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/', variables('virtualNetworkName'))]" properties: ipConfigurations: - name: "ipconfig1" properties: privateIPAllocationMethod: "Dynamic" publicIPAddress: id: "[resourceId('Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses',variables('publicIPAddressName'))]" subnet: id: "[variables('subnetRef')]" - type: "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines" apiVersion: "2015-06-15" name: "[variables('vmName')]" location: "[variables('location')]" dependsOn: - "[concat('Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/', parameters('newStorageAccountName'))]" - "[concat('Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/', variables('nicName'))]" properties: hardwareProfile: vmSize: "[variables('vmSize')]" osProfile: computername: "[variables('vmName')]" adminUsername: "[parameters('adminUsername')]" adminPassword: "[parameters('adminPassword')]" storageProfile: imageReference: publisher: "[variables('imagePublisher')]" offer: "[variables('imageOffer')]" sku: "[parameters('ubuntuOSVersion')]" version: "latest" osDisk: name: "osdisk" vhd: uri: > [concat('http://',parameters('newStorageAccountName'),'',variables('vmStorageAccountContainerName'),'/', variables('OSDiskName'),'.vhd')] caching: "ReadWrite" createOption: "FromImage" networkProfile: networkInterfaces: - id: "[resourceId('Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces',variables('nicName'))]" diagnosticsProfile: bootDiagnostics: enabled: "true" storageUri: "[concat('http://',parameters('newStorageAccountName'),'')]" parameters: newStorageAccountName: value: devopsclestorage adminUsername: value: devopscle adminPassword: value: Password1! dnsNameForPublicIP: value: devopscleazure
Return Values
Common return values are documented here, the following are the fields unique to this module:
Key | Returned | Description |
deployment dict | always | Deployment details Sample: {'instances': {'type': 'list', 'description': 'Provides the public IP addresses for each VM instance.', 'returned': 'always'}, 'group_name': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'Name of the resource group', 'returned': 'always'}, 'id': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'The Azure ID of the deployment', 'returned': 'always'}, 'name': {'type': 'string', 'description': 'Name of the deployment', 'returned': 'always'}, 'outputs': {'type': 'dict', 'description': 'Dictionary of outputs received from the deployment', 'returned': 'always'}} |
This module is flagged as preview which means that it is not guaranteed to have a backwards compatible interface.
- David Justice (@devigned)
- Laurent Mazuel (@lmazuel)
- Andre Price (@obsoleted)
If you notice any issues in this documentation you can edit this document to improve it.
© 2012–2018 Michael DeHaan
© 2018–2019 Red Hat, Inc.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.