XmlDocument class
- Inheritance
- Object
- JSObject
- DartHtmlDomObject
- EventTarget
- Node
- Document
- XmlDocument
- Annotations
- @DocsEditable()
- @DomName('XMLDocument')
- @Experimental()
Static Properties
- instanceRuntimeType → Type @Deprecated("Internal Use Only"), read-only
- activeElement → Element @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.activeElement'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
- baseUri → String @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Node.baseURI'), read-only, inherited
- childNodes → List<Node> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Node.childNodes'), read-only, inherited
A list of this node's children.
- contentType → String @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.contentType'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
- currentScript → ScriptElement @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.currentScript'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
- documentElement → Element @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.documentElement'), read-only, inherited
- domain → String @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.domain'), read-only, inherited
- firstChild → Node @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Node.firstChild'), read-only, inherited
The first child of this node.
- fonts → FontFaceSet @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.fonts'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
- fullscreenElement → Element @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.fullscreenElement'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
- fullscreenEnabled → bool @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.fullscreenEnabled'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
- hashCode → int read-only, inherited
- implementation → DomImplementation @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.implementation'), read-only, inherited
- lastChild → Node @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Node.lastChild'), read-only, inherited
The last child of this node.
- nextNode → Node @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Node.nextSibling'), read-only, inherited
The next sibling node.
- nodeName → String @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Node.nodeName'), read-only, inherited
The name of this node.
- nodes → List<Node> read / write, inherited
A modifiable list of this node's children.
- nodeType → int @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Node.nodeType'), read-only, inherited
The type of node.
- nodeValue → String @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Node.nodeValue'), read-only, inherited
The value of this node.
- on → Events read-only, inherited
This is an ease-of-use accessor for event streams which should only be used when an explicit accessor is not available.
- onAbort → Stream<Event> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onabort'), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onBeforeCopy → Stream<Event> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onbeforecopy'), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onBeforeCut → Stream<Event> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onbeforecut'), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onBeforePaste → Stream<Event> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onbeforepaste'), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onBlur → Stream<Event> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onblur'), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onCanPlay → Stream<Event> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.oncanplay'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
- onCanPlayThrough → Stream<Event> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.oncanplaythrough'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
- onChange → Stream<Event> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onchange'), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onClick → Stream<MouseEvent> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onclick'), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onContextMenu → Stream<MouseEvent> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.oncontextmenu'), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onCopy → Stream<ClipboardEvent> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.oncopy'), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onCut → Stream<ClipboardEvent> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.oncut'), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onDoubleClick → Stream<Event> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.ondblclick'), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onDrag → Stream<MouseEvent> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.ondrag'), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onDragEnd → Stream<MouseEvent> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.ondragend'), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onDragEnter → Stream<MouseEvent> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.ondragenter'), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onDragLeave → Stream<MouseEvent> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.ondragleave'), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onDragOver → Stream<MouseEvent> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.ondragover'), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onDragStart → Stream<MouseEvent> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.ondragstart'), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onDrop → Stream<MouseEvent> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.ondrop'), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onDurationChange → Stream<Event> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.ondurationchange'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
- onEmptied → Stream<Event> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onemptied'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
- onEnded → Stream<Event> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onended'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
- onError → Stream<Event> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onerror'), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onFocus → Stream<Event> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onfocus'), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onFullscreenChange → Stream<Event> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onwebkitfullscreenchange'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onFullscreenError → Stream<Event> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onwebkitfullscreenerror'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onInput → Stream<Event> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.oninput'), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onInvalid → Stream<Event> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.oninvalid'), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onKeyDown → Stream<KeyboardEvent> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onkeydown'), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onKeyPress → Stream<KeyboardEvent> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onkeypress'), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onKeyUp → Stream<KeyboardEvent> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onkeyup'), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onLoad → Stream<Event> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onload'), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onLoadedData → Stream<Event> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onloadeddata'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
- onLoadedMetadata → Stream<Event> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onloadedmetadata'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
- onMouseDown → Stream<MouseEvent> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onmousedown'), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onMouseEnter → Stream<MouseEvent> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onmouseenter'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onMouseLeave → Stream<MouseEvent> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onmouseleave'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onMouseMove → Stream<MouseEvent> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onmousemove'), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onMouseOut → Stream<MouseEvent> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onmouseout'), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onMouseOver → Stream<MouseEvent> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onmouseover'), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onMouseUp → Stream<MouseEvent> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onmouseup'), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onMouseWheel → Stream<WheelEvent> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onmousewheel'), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onPaste → Stream<ClipboardEvent> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onpaste'), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onPause → Stream<Event> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onpause'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
- onPlay → Stream<Event> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onplay'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
- onPlaying → Stream<Event> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onplaying'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
- onPointerLockChange → Stream<Event> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onpointerlockchange'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
- onPointerLockError → Stream<Event> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onpointerlockerror'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
- onRateChange → Stream<Event> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onratechange'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
- onReadyStateChange → Stream<Event> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onreadystatechange'), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onReset → Stream<Event> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onreset'), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onResize → Stream<Event> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onresize'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
- onScroll → Stream<Event> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onscroll'), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onSearch → Stream<Event> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onsearch'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onSecurityPolicyViolation → Stream<SecurityPolicyViolationEvent> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onsecuritypolicyviolation'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onSeeked → Stream<Event> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onseeked'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
- onSeeking → Stream<Event> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onseeking'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
- onSelect → Stream<Event> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onselect'), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onSelectionChange → Stream<Event> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onselectionchange'), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onSelectStart → Stream<Event> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onselectstart'), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onStalled → Stream<Event> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onstalled'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
- onSubmit → Stream<Event> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onsubmit'), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onSuspend → Stream<Event> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onsuspend'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
- onTimeUpdate → Stream<Event> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.ontimeupdate'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
- onTouchCancel → Stream<TouchEvent> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.ontouchcancel'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onTouchEnd → Stream<TouchEvent> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.ontouchend'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onTouchMove → Stream<TouchEvent> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.ontouchmove'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onTouchStart → Stream<TouchEvent> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.ontouchstart'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
Stream of
events handled by thisDocument
. - onVolumeChange → Stream<Event> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onvolumechange'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
- onWaiting → Stream<Event> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.onwaiting'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
- origin → String @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.origin'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
- ownerDocument → Document @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Node.ownerDocument'), read-only, inherited
The document this node belongs to.
- parent → Element @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Node.parentElement'), read-only, inherited
The parent element of this node.
- parentNode → Node @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Node.parentNode'), read-only, inherited
The parent node of this node.
- pointerLockElement → Element @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.pointerLockElement'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
- previousNode → Node @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Node.previousSibling'), read-only, inherited
The previous sibling node.
- readyState → String @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.readyState'), read-only, inherited
- rootElement → SvgSvgElement @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.rootElement'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
- runtimeType → Type read-only, inherited
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
- scrollingElement → Element @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.scrollingElement'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
- suborigin → String @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.suborigin'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
- supportsRegister → bool @deprecated, read-only, inherited
Deprecated*: use
instead. - supportsRegisterElement → bool read-only, inherited
Checks if
is supported on the current platform. - text → String @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Node.textContent'), read / write, inherited
All text within this node and its descendents.
- timeline → AnimationTimeline @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.timeline'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
- treeRoot → Node @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Node.treeRoot'), @Experimental(), read-only, inherited
- visibilityState → String @DomName('Document.visibilityState'), @Experimental(), @SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.CHROME), @SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.FIREFOX), @SupportedBrowser(SupportedBrowser.IE, '10'), read-only, inherited
- window → WindowBase @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.defaultView'), read-only, inherited
- operator ==(
other) → bool inherited -
The equality operator.
- addEventListener(
String type, EventListener listener, [ bool useCapture ]) → void inherited - adoptNode(
Node node) → Node @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.adoptNode'), inherited - append(
Node node) → Node @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Node.appendChild'), inherited -
Adds a node to the end of the child nodes list of this node.
- clone(
bool deep) → Node @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Node.cloneNode'), inherited -
Returns a copy of this node.
- contains(
Node other) → bool @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Node.contains'), inherited -
Returns true if this node contains the specified node.
- createDocumentFragment(
) → DocumentFragment @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.createDocumentFragment'), inherited - createElement(
String tagName, [ String typeExtension ]) → Element @DomName('Document.createElement'), inherited - createElementNS(
String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName, [ String typeExtension ]) → Element @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.createElementNS'), inherited - createRange(
) → Range @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.createRange'), inherited - dispatchEvent(
Event event) → bool @DocsEditable(), @DomName('EventTarget.dispatchEvent'), inherited - elementsFromPoint(
int x, int y) → List<Element> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.elementsFromPoint'), @Experimental(), inherited - execCommand(
String commandId, [ bool showUI, String value ]) → bool inherited - exitFullscreen(
) → void @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.exitFullscreen'), @Experimental(), inherited - exitPointerLock(
) → void @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.exitPointerLock'), @Experimental(), inherited - getElementById(
String elementId) → Element @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.getElementById'), inherited - getElementsByClassName(
String classNames) → List<Node> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.getElementsByClassName'), inherited - getElementsByName(
String elementName) → List<Node> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.getElementsByName'), inherited - getElementsByTagName(
String localName) → List<Node> @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.getElementsByTagName'), inherited - hasChildNodes(
) → bool @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Node.hasChildNodes'), inherited -
Returns true if this node has any children.
- importNode(
Node node, [ bool deep ]) → Node inherited - insertAllBefore(
Iterable<Node> newNodes, Node refChild) → Node inherited -
Inserts all of the nodes into this node directly before refChild.
- insertBefore(
Node node, Node child) → Node @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Node.insertBefore'), inherited -
Inserts all of the nodes into this node directly before refChild.
- noSuchMethod(
Invocation invocation) → dynamic inherited -
Invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed.
- query(
String relativeSelectors) → Element @DomName('Document.querySelector'), @Experimental(), inherited -
Alias for querySelector. Note this function is deprecated because its semantics will be changing in the future.
- queryAll(
String relativeSelectors) → ElementList<Element> @DomName('Document.querySelectorAll'), @Experimental(), inherited -
Alias for querySelectorAll. Note this function is deprecated because its semantics will be changing in the future.
- queryCommandEnabled(
String commandId) → bool @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.queryCommandEnabled'), inherited - queryCommandIndeterm(
String commandId) → bool @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.queryCommandIndeterm'), inherited - queryCommandState(
String commandId) → bool @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.queryCommandState'), inherited - queryCommandSupported(
String commandId) → bool @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.queryCommandSupported'), inherited - queryCommandValue(
String commandId) → String @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.queryCommandValue'), inherited - querySelector(
String selectors) → Element @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.querySelector'), inherited -
Finds the first descendant element of this document that matches the specified group of selectors.
- querySelectorAll(
String selectors) → ElementList<Element> inherited -
Finds all descendant elements of this document that match the specified group of selectors.
- remove(
) → void @DomName('Node.removeChild'), inherited -
Removes this node from the DOM.
- removeEventListener(
String type, EventListener listener, [ bool useCapture ]) → void inherited - replaceWith(
Node otherNode) → Node @DomName('Node.replaceChild'), inherited -
Replaces this node with another node.
- toString(
) → String inherited -
Print out a String representation of this Node.
- transformDocumentToTreeView(
String noStyleMessage) → void @DocsEditable(), @DomName('Document.transformDocumentToTreeView'), @Experimental(), inherited
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Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License v4.0.