wp_read_image_metadata( string $file )

Get extended image metadata, exif or iptc as available.


Retrieves the EXIF metadata aperture, credit, camera, caption, copyright, iso created_timestamp, focal_length, shutter_speed, and title.

The IPTC metadata that is retrieved is APP13, credit, byline, created date and time, caption, copyright, and title. Also includes FNumber, Model, DateTimeDigitized, FocalLength, ISOSpeedRatings, and ExposureTime.



(string) (Required)


(array|false) Image metadata array on success, false on failure.

More Information

Additional note to Return

The elements returned in the array are:

(string) Set to the EXIF FNumber field.

(string) Set to the first non-empty value found by looking through the following fields:

  1. IPTC Credit field (2#110)
  2. IPTC Creator field (2#080)
  3. EXIF Artist field
  4. EXIF Author field

(string) Set to the EXIF Model field.

(string) Set to a non-empty value of one of the following fields (see source code for the precise logic involved):

  1. IPTC Description field (2#120)
  2. EXIF UserComment field if [“title”] is unset AND EXIF:ImageDescription is less than 80 characters
  3. EXIF ImageDescription field if [“title”] is set OR EXIF:ImageDescription is more than 80 characters
  4. EXIF Comments field if [“title”] does not equal EXIF:Comments

(string) Set to the first non-empty value found by looking through the following fields:

  1. EXIF field DateTimeDigitized
  2. IPTC Date and Time fields (2#055 and 2#060)

(string) Set to the first non-empty value found by looking through the following fields:

  1. IPTC Copyright field (2#116)
  2. EXIF Copyright field

(string) Set to the EXIF FocalLength field.

(string) Set to the EXIF ISOSpeedRatings field.

(string) Set to the EXIF ExposureTime field.

(string) Set to the first non-empty value found by looking through the following fields:

  1. IPTC Headline field (2#105)
  2. IPTC Title field (2#005)
  3. IPTC Description field (2#120) but only if less than 80 characters
  4. EXIF Title field
  5. EXIF ImageDescription field but only if less than 80 characters

The (2#nnn) value shown after each IPTC field (above) is the key of the array returned by PHP’s iptcparse function for that particular IPTC field.


File: wp-admin/includes/image.php

function wp_read_image_metadata( $file ) {
	if ( ! file_exists( $file ) ) {
		return false;

	list( , , $image_type ) = wp_getimagesize( $file );

	 * EXIF contains a bunch of data we'll probably never need formatted in ways
	 * that are difficult to use. We'll normalize it and just extract the fields
	 * that are likely to be useful. Fractions and numbers are converted to
	 * floats, dates to unix timestamps, and everything else to strings.
	$meta = array(
		'aperture'          => 0,
		'credit'            => '',
		'camera'            => '',
		'caption'           => '',
		'created_timestamp' => 0,
		'copyright'         => '',
		'focal_length'      => 0,
		'iso'               => 0,
		'shutter_speed'     => 0,
		'title'             => '',
		'orientation'       => 0,
		'keywords'          => array(),

	$iptc = array();
	$info = array();
	 * Read IPTC first, since it might contain data not available in exif such
	 * as caption, description etc.
	if ( is_callable( 'iptcparse' ) ) {
		wp_getimagesize( $file, $info );

		if ( ! empty( $info['APP13'] ) ) {
			// Don't silence errors when in debug mode, unless running unit tests.
			if ( defined( 'WP_DEBUG' ) && WP_DEBUG
				&& ! defined( 'WP_RUN_CORE_TESTS' )
			) {
				$iptc = iptcparse( $info['APP13'] );
			} else {
				// phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.NoSilencedErrors -- Silencing notice and warning is intentional. See https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/42480
				$iptc = @iptcparse( $info['APP13'] );

			// Headline, "A brief synopsis of the caption".
			if ( ! empty( $iptc['2#105'][0] ) ) {
				$meta['title'] = trim( $iptc['2#105'][0] );
				* Title, "Many use the Title field to store the filename of the image,
				* though the field may be used in many ways".
			} elseif ( ! empty( $iptc['2#005'][0] ) ) {
				$meta['title'] = trim( $iptc['2#005'][0] );

			if ( ! empty( $iptc['2#120'][0] ) ) { // Description / legacy caption.
				$caption = trim( $iptc['2#120'][0] );

				$caption_length = strlen( $caption );

				if ( empty( $meta['title'] ) && $caption_length < 80 ) {
					// Assume the title is stored in 2:120 if it's short.
					$meta['title'] = $caption;

				$meta['caption'] = $caption;

			if ( ! empty( $iptc['2#110'][0] ) ) { // Credit.
				$meta['credit'] = trim( $iptc['2#110'][0] );
			} elseif ( ! empty( $iptc['2#080'][0] ) ) { // Creator / legacy byline.
				$meta['credit'] = trim( $iptc['2#080'][0] );

			if ( ! empty( $iptc['2#055'][0] ) && ! empty( $iptc['2#060'][0] ) ) { // Created date and time.
				$meta['created_timestamp'] = strtotime( $iptc['2#055'][0] . ' ' . $iptc['2#060'][0] );

			if ( ! empty( $iptc['2#116'][0] ) ) { // Copyright.
				$meta['copyright'] = trim( $iptc['2#116'][0] );

			if ( ! empty( $iptc['2#025'][0] ) ) { // Keywords array.
				$meta['keywords'] = array_values( $iptc['2#025'] );

	$exif = array();

	 * Filters the image types to check for exif data.
	 * @since 2.5.0
	 * @param array $image_types Image types to check for exif data.
	$exif_image_types = apply_filters( 'wp_read_image_metadata_types', array( IMAGETYPE_JPEG, IMAGETYPE_TIFF_II, IMAGETYPE_TIFF_MM ) );

	if ( is_callable( 'exif_read_data' ) && in_array( $image_type, $exif_image_types, true ) ) {
		// Don't silence errors when in debug mode, unless running unit tests.
		if ( defined( 'WP_DEBUG' ) && WP_DEBUG
			&& ! defined( 'WP_RUN_CORE_TESTS' )
		) {
			$exif = exif_read_data( $file );
		} else {
			// phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.NoSilencedErrors -- Silencing notice and warning is intentional. See https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/42480
			$exif = @exif_read_data( $file );

		if ( ! empty( $exif['ImageDescription'] ) ) {
			$description_length = strlen( $exif['ImageDescription'] );

			if ( empty( $meta['title'] ) && $description_length < 80 ) {
				// Assume the title is stored in ImageDescription.
				$meta['title'] = trim( $exif['ImageDescription'] );

			if ( empty( $meta['caption'] ) && ! empty( $exif['COMPUTED']['UserComment'] ) ) {
				$meta['caption'] = trim( $exif['COMPUTED']['UserComment'] );

			if ( empty( $meta['caption'] ) ) {
				$meta['caption'] = trim( $exif['ImageDescription'] );
		} elseif ( empty( $meta['caption'] ) && ! empty( $exif['Comments'] ) ) {
			$meta['caption'] = trim( $exif['Comments'] );

		if ( empty( $meta['credit'] ) ) {
			if ( ! empty( $exif['Artist'] ) ) {
				$meta['credit'] = trim( $exif['Artist'] );
			} elseif ( ! empty( $exif['Author'] ) ) {
				$meta['credit'] = trim( $exif['Author'] );

		if ( empty( $meta['copyright'] ) && ! empty( $exif['Copyright'] ) ) {
			$meta['copyright'] = trim( $exif['Copyright'] );
		if ( ! empty( $exif['FNumber'] ) ) {
			$meta['aperture'] = round( wp_exif_frac2dec( $exif['FNumber'] ), 2 );
		if ( ! empty( $exif['Model'] ) ) {
			$meta['camera'] = trim( $exif['Model'] );
		if ( empty( $meta['created_timestamp'] ) && ! empty( $exif['DateTimeDigitized'] ) ) {
			$meta['created_timestamp'] = wp_exif_date2ts( $exif['DateTimeDigitized'] );
		if ( ! empty( $exif['FocalLength'] ) ) {
			$meta['focal_length'] = (string) wp_exif_frac2dec( $exif['FocalLength'] );
		if ( ! empty( $exif['ISOSpeedRatings'] ) ) {
			$meta['iso'] = is_array( $exif['ISOSpeedRatings'] ) ? reset( $exif['ISOSpeedRatings'] ) : $exif['ISOSpeedRatings'];
			$meta['iso'] = trim( $meta['iso'] );
		if ( ! empty( $exif['ExposureTime'] ) ) {
			$meta['shutter_speed'] = (string) wp_exif_frac2dec( $exif['ExposureTime'] );
		if ( ! empty( $exif['Orientation'] ) ) {
			$meta['orientation'] = $exif['Orientation'];

	foreach ( array( 'title', 'caption', 'credit', 'copyright', 'camera', 'iso' ) as $key ) {
		if ( $meta[ $key ] && ! seems_utf8( $meta[ $key ] ) ) {
			$meta[ $key ] = utf8_encode( $meta[ $key ] );

	foreach ( $meta['keywords'] as $key => $keyword ) {
		if ( ! seems_utf8( $keyword ) ) {
			$meta['keywords'][ $key ] = utf8_encode( $keyword );

	$meta = wp_kses_post_deep( $meta );

	 * Filters the array of meta data read from an image's exif data.
	 * @since 2.5.0
	 * @since 4.4.0 The `$iptc` parameter was added.
	 * @since 5.0.0 The `$exif` parameter was added.
	 * @param array  $meta       Image meta data.
	 * @param string $file       Path to image file.
	 * @param int    $image_type Type of image, one of the `IMAGETYPE_XXX` constants.
	 * @param array  $iptc       IPTC data.
	 * @param array  $exif       EXIF data.
	return apply_filters( 'wp_read_image_metadata', $meta, $file, $image_type, $iptc, $exif );



Version Description
2.5.0 Introduced.

© 2003–2021 WordPress Foundation
Licensed under the GNU GPLv2+ License.