_oembed_create_xml( array $data, SimpleXMLElement $node = null )

This function’s access is marked private. This means it is not intended for use by plugin or theme developers, only in other core functions. It is listed here for completeness.

Creates an XML string from a given array.



(array) (Required) The original oEmbed response data.


(SimpleXMLElement) (Optional) XML node to append the result to recursively.

Default value: null


(string|false) XML string on success, false on error.


File: wp-includes/embed.php

function _oembed_create_xml( $data, $node = null ) {
	if ( ! is_array( $data ) || empty( $data ) ) {
		return false;

	if ( null === $node ) {
		$node = new SimpleXMLElement( '<oembed></oembed>' );

	foreach ( $data as $key => $value ) {
		if ( is_numeric( $key ) ) {
			$key = 'oembed';

		if ( is_array( $value ) ) {
			$item = $node->addChild( $key );
			_oembed_create_xml( $value, $item );
		} else {
			$node->addChild( $key, esc_html( $value ) );

	return $node->asXML();


Version Description
4.4.0 Introduced.

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Licensed under the GNU GPLv2+ License.