wp_enqueue_script( string $handle, string $src = '', string[] $deps = array(), string|bool|null $ver = false, bool $in_footer = false )

Enqueue a script.


Registers the script if $src provided (does NOT overwrite), and enqueues it.

See also



(string) (Required) Name of the script. Should be unique.


(string) (Optional) Full URL of the script, or path of the script relative to the WordPress root directory.

Default value: ''


(string[]) (Optional) An array of registered script handles this script depends on.

Default value: array()


(string|bool|null) (Optional) String specifying script version number, if it has one, which is added to the URL as a query string for cache busting purposes. If version is set to false, a version number is automatically added equal to current installed WordPress version. If set to null, no version is added.

Default value: false


(bool) (Optional) Whether to enqueue the script before </body> instead of in the <head>. Default 'false'.

Default value: false

More Information


wp_enqueue_script( $handle, $src, $deps, $ver, $in_footer );

Links a script file to the generated page at the right time according to the script dependencies, if the script has not been already included and if all the dependencies have been registered. You could either link a script with a handle previously registered using the wp_register_script() function, or provide this function with all the parameters necessary to link a script.

This is the recommended method of linking JavaScript to a WordPress generated page.


  • The function should be called using the wp_enqueue_scripts action hook if you want to call it on the front-end of the site, like in the examples above. To call it on the administration screens, use the admin_enqueue_scripts action hook. For the login screen, use the login_enqueue_scripts action hook. Calling it outside of an action hook can lead to problems, see the ticket #11526 for details.
  • If you try to register or enqueue an already registered handle with different parameters, the new parameters will be ignored. Instead, use wp_deregister_script() and register the script again with the new parameters.
  • jQuery UI Effects is not included with the jquery-ui-core handle.
  • This function relies on the use of wp_head() and wp_footer() by the active theme. This means that it may not work with a few very old themes that do not call these functions. This is useful to keep in mind when debugging ancient themes.
  • Uses: WP_Scripts::add(), WP_Scripts::add_data() and WP_Scripts::enqueue().
  • Uses global: (unknown type) $wp_scripts.

Default Scripts and JS Libraries Included and Registered by WordPress

By default, WordPress installation includes many popular javascript libraries and scripts commonly used by web developers besides the scripts used by WordPress itself. Some of them are listed in the table below.

For a detailed list of names that can be used in place of the $handle parameter, see wp_register_script().

Script Name Handle Needed Dependency * Script version License
Image Cropper Image cropper (not used in core, see jcrop)
Jcrop jcrop 0.9.12 MIT
SWFObject swfobject 2.2-20120417 MIT
SWFUpload swfupload 2201-20110113 MIT
SWFUpload Degrade swfupload-degrade 2201 MIT
SWFUpload Queue swfupload-queue 2201 MIT
SWFUpload Handlers swfupload-handlers 2201-20110524 MIT
jQuery jquery json2 (for AJAX calls) 1.12.4 MIT + (MIT OR BSD)
jQuery Form jquery-form jquery 4.2.1 MIT OR LGPLv3
jQuery Color jquery-color jquery 2.1.2 MIT+CC0 + (MIT OR GPLv2)
jQuery Masonry jquery-masonry jquery 3.1.2b MIT
Masonry (native Javascript) masonry imagesloaded 3.1.2b MIT
jQuery UI Core jquery-ui-core jquery 1.11.4 MIT + CC0 + (MIT OR GPLv2)
jQuery UI Widget jquery-ui-widget jquery 1.11.4 MIT + CC0 + (MIT OR GPLv2)
jQuery UI Accordion jquery-ui-accordion jquery 1.11.4 MIT + CC0 + (MIT OR GPLv2)
jQuery UI Autocomplete jquery-ui-autocomplete jquery 1.11.4 MIT + CC0 + (MIT OR GPLv2)
jQuery UI Button jquery-ui-button jquery 1.11.4 MIT + CC0 + (MIT OR GPLv2)
jQuery UI Datepicker jquery-ui-datepicker jquery 1.11.4 MIT + CC0 + (MIT OR GPLv2)
jQuery UI Dialog jquery-ui-dialog jquery 1.11.4 MIT + CC0 + (MIT OR GPLv2)
jQuery UI Draggable jquery-ui-draggable jquery 1.11.4 MIT + CC0 + (MIT OR GPLv2)
jQuery UI Droppable jquery-ui-droppable jquery 1.11.4 MIT + CC0 + (MIT OR GPLv2)
jQuery UI Menu jquery-ui-menu jquery 1.11.4 MIT + CC0 + (MIT OR GPLv2)
jQuery UI Mouse jquery-ui-mouse jquery 1.11.4 MIT + CC0 + (MIT OR GPLv2)
jQuery UI Position jquery-ui-position jquery 1.11.4 MIT + CC0 + (MIT OR GPLv2)
jQuery UI Progressbar jquery-ui-progressbar jquery 1.11.4 MIT + CC0 + (MIT OR GPLv2)
jQuery UI Selectable jquery-ui-selectable jquery 1.11.4 MIT + CC0 + (MIT OR GPLv2)
jQuery UI Resizable jquery-ui-resizable jquery 1.11.4 MIT + CC0 + (MIT OR GPLv2)
jQuery UI Selectmenu jquery-ui-selectmenu jquery 1.11.4 MIT + CC0 + (MIT OR GPLv2)
jQuery UI Sortable jquery-ui-sortable jquery 1.11.4 MIT + CC0 + (MIT OR GPLv2)
jQuery UI Slider jquery-ui-slider jquery 1.11.4 MIT + CC0 + (MIT OR GPLv2)
jQuery UI Spinner jquery-ui-spinner jquery 1.11.4 MIT + CC0 + (MIT OR GPLv2)
jQuery UI Tooltips jquery-ui-tooltip jquery 1.11.4 MIT + CC0 + (MIT OR GPLv2)
jQuery UI Tabs jquery-ui-tabs jquery 1.11.4 MIT + CC0 + (MIT OR GPLv2)
jQuery UI Effects jquery-effects-core jquery 1.11.4 MIT + CC0 + (MIT OR GPLv2)
jQuery UI Effects – Blind jquery-effects-blind jquery-effects-core 1.11.4 MIT + CC0 + (MIT OR GPLv2)
jQuery UI Effects – Bounce jquery-effects-bounce jquery-effects-core 1.11.4 MIT + CC0 + (MIT OR GPLv2)
jQuery UI Effects – Clip jquery-effects-clip jquery-effects-core 1.11.4 MIT + CC0 + (MIT OR GPLv2)
jQuery UI Effects – Drop jquery-effects-drop jquery-effects-core 1.11.4 MIT + CC0 + (MIT OR GPLv2)
jQuery UI Effects – Explode jquery-effects-explode jquery-effects-core 1.11.4 MIT + CC0 + (MIT OR GPLv2)
jQuery UI Effects – Fade jquery-effects-fade jquery-effects-core 1.11.4 MIT + CC0 + (MIT OR GPLv2)
jQuery UI Effects – Fold jquery-effects-fold jquery-effects-core 1.11.4 MIT + CC0 + (MIT OR GPLv2)
jQuery UI Effects – Highlight jquery-effects-highlight jquery-effects-core 1.11.4 MIT + CC0 + (MIT OR GPLv2)
jQuery UI Effects – Pulsate jquery-effects-pulsate jquery-effects-core 1.11.4 MIT + CC0 + (MIT OR GPLv2)
jQuery UI Effects – Scale jquery-effects-scale jquery-effects-core 1.11.4 MIT + CC0 + (MIT OR GPLv2)
jQuery UI Effects – Shake jquery-effects-shake jquery-effects-core 1.11.4 MIT + CC0 + (MIT OR GPLv2)
jQuery UI Effects – Slide jquery-effects-slide jquery-effects-core 1.11.4 MIT + CC0 + (MIT OR GPLv2)
jQuery UI Effects – Transfer jquery-effects-transfer jquery-effects-core 1.11.4 MIT + CC0 + (MIT OR GPLv2)
MediaElement.js (WP 3.6+) wp-mediaelement jquery 4.2.6-78496d1 MIT
jQuery Schedule schedule jquery 20m/1.0.1 MIT
jQuery Suggest suggest jquery 1.1-20110113 Public domain
ThickBox thickbox 3.1-20121105 MIT OR GPLv3
jQuery HoverIntent hoverIntent jquery 1.8.1 MIT
jQuery Hotkeys jquery-hotkeys jquery 0.2.0 MIT OR GPLv2
Simple AJAX Code-Kit sack 1.6.1 X11 License
QuickTags quicktags 1.3 LGPL2.1
Iris (Colour picker) iris jquery 1.0.7 GPLv2
Farbtastic (deprecated) farbtastic jquery 1.2 GPLv3
ColorPicker (deprecated) colorpicker jquery v2 Author’s own copyright
Tiny MCE wp-tinymce 4.9.4 LGPL2.1
Autosave autosave
WordPress AJAX Response wp-ajax-response
List Manipulation wp-lists
WP Common common
WP Editor editorremov
WP Editor Functions editor-functions
AJAX Cat ajaxcat
Admin Categories admin-categories
Admin Tags admin-tags
Admin custom fields admin-custom-fields
Password Strength Meter password-strength-meter
Admin Comments admin-comments
Admin Users admin-users
Admin Forms admin-forms
XFN xfn
Upload upload
PostBox postbox
Slug slug
Post post
Page page
Link link
Comment comment
Threaded Comments comment-reply
Admin Gallery admin-gallery
Media Upload media-upload
Admin widgets admin-widgets
Word Count word-count
Theme Preview theme-preview
JSON for JS json2 2015-05-03 Public domain
Plupload Core plupload 2.1.9 GPLv2
Plupload All Runtimes plupload-all 2.1.1 GPLv2
Plupload HTML4 plupload-html4 2.1.1 GPLv2
Plupload HTML5 plupload-html5 2.1.1 GPLv2
Plupload Flash plupload-flash 2.1.1 GPLv2
Plupload Silverlight plupload-silverlight 2.1.1 GPLv2
Underscore js underscore 1.8.3 MIT
Backbone js backbone jquery, underscore 1.4.0 MIT
imagesLoaded imagesloaded 3.2.0 MIT
CodeMirror wp-codemirror 5.29.1-alpha-ee20357 MIT
imgAreaSelect imgareaselect jquery 0.9.8 MIT AND GPL
Removed from Core
Script Name Handle Removed Version Replaced With
Scriptaculous Root scriptaculous-root WP 3.5 Google Version
Scriptaculous Builder scriptaculous-builder WP 3.5 Google Version
Scriptaculous Drag & Drop scriptaculous-dragdrop WP 3.5 Google Version
Scriptaculous Effects scriptaculous-effects WP 3.5 Google Version
Scriptaculous Slider scriptaculous-slider WP 3.5 Google Version
Scriptaculous Sound scriptaculous-sound WP 3.5 Google Version
Scriptaculous Controls scriptaculous-controls WP 3.5 Google Version
Scriptaculous scriptaculous WP 3.5 Google Version
Prototype Framework prototype WP 3.5 Google Version

The list is far from complete. For a complete list of registered files inspect $GLOBALS['wp_scripts'] in the admin UI. Registered scripts might change per requested page.

* The listed dependencies are not complete.


File: wp-includes/functions.wp-scripts.php

function wp_enqueue_script( $handle, $src = '', $deps = array(), $ver = false, $in_footer = false ) {
	_wp_scripts_maybe_doing_it_wrong( __FUNCTION__, $handle );

	$wp_scripts = wp_scripts();

	if ( $src || $in_footer ) {
		$_handle = explode( '?', $handle );

		if ( $src ) {
			$wp_scripts->add( $_handle[0], $src, $deps, $ver );

		if ( $in_footer ) {
			$wp_scripts->add_data( $_handle[0], 'group', 1 );

	$wp_scripts->enqueue( $handle );


Version Description
2.1.0 Introduced.

© 2003–2021 WordPress Foundation
Licensed under the GNU GPLv2+ License.