WP_Media_List_Table::column_parent( WP_Post $post )
Handles the parent column output.
File: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-media-list-table.php
public function column_parent( $post ) { $user_can_edit = current_user_can( 'edit_post', $post->ID ); if ( $post->post_parent > 0 ) { $parent = get_post( $post->post_parent ); } else { $parent = false; } if ( $parent ) { $title = _draft_or_post_title( $post->post_parent ); $parent_type = get_post_type_object( $parent->post_type ); if ( $parent_type && $parent_type->show_ui && current_user_can( 'edit_post', $post->post_parent ) ) { printf( '<strong><a href="%s">%s</a></strong>', get_edit_post_link( $post->post_parent ), $title ); } elseif ( $parent_type && current_user_can( 'read_post', $post->post_parent ) ) { printf( '<strong>%s</strong>', $title ); } else { _e( '(Private post)' ); } if ( $user_can_edit ) : $detach_url = add_query_arg( array( 'parent_post_id' => $post->post_parent, 'media[]' => $post->ID, '_wpnonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'bulk-' . $this->_args['plural'] ), ), 'upload.php' ); printf( '<br /><a href="%s" class="hide-if-no-js detach-from-parent" aria-label="%s">%s</a>', $detach_url, /* translators: %s: Title of the post the attachment is attached to. */ esc_attr( sprintf( __( 'Detach from “%s”' ), $title ) ), __( 'Detach' ) ); endif; } else { _e( '(Unattached)' ); ?> <?php if ( $user_can_edit ) { $title = _draft_or_post_title( $post->post_parent ); printf( '<br /><a href="#the-list" onclick="findPosts.open( \'media[]\', \'%s\' ); return false;" class="hide-if-no-js aria-button-if-js" aria-label="%s">%s</a>', $post->ID, /* translators: %s: Attachment title. */ esc_attr( sprintf( __( 'Attach “%s” to existing content' ), $title ) ), __( 'Attach' ) ); } } }
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4.3.0 | Introduced. |
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