POP3::pass( $pass = "" )
File: wp-includes/class-pop3.php
function pass ($pass = "") {
// Sends the PASS command, returns # of msgs in mailbox,
// returns false (undef) on Auth failure
if(empty($pass)) {
$this->ERROR = "POP3 pass: " . _("No password submitted");
return false;
} elseif(!isset($this->FP)) {
$this->ERROR = "POP3 pass: " . _("connection not established");
return false;
} else {
$reply = $this->send_cmd("PASS $pass");
if(!$this->is_ok($reply)) {
$this->ERROR = "POP3 pass: " . _("Authentication failed") . " [$reply]";
return false;
} else {
// Auth successful.
$count = $this->last("count");
$this->COUNT = $count;
return $count;
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