Print the JavaScript templates used to render Menu Customizer components.
Templates are imported into the JS use wp.template.
File: wp-includes/class-wp-customize-nav-menus.php
public function print_templates() { ?> <script type="text/html" id="tmpl-available-menu-item"> <li id="menu-item-tpl-{{ data.id }}" class="menu-item-tpl" data-menu-item-id="{{ data.id }}"> <div class="menu-item-bar"> <div class="menu-item-handle"> <span class="item-type" aria-hidden="true">{{ data.type_label }}</span> <span class="item-title" aria-hidden="true"> <span class="menu-item-title<# if ( ! data.title ) { #> no-title<# } #>">{{ data.title || wp.customize.Menus.data.l10n.untitled }}</span> </span> <button type="button" class="button-link item-add"> <span class="screen-reader-text"> <?php /* translators: 1: Title of a menu item, 2: Type of a menu item. */ printf( __( 'Add to menu: %1$s (%2$s)' ), '{{ data.title || wp.customize.Menus.data.l10n.untitled }}', '{{ data.type_label }}' ); ?> </span> </button> </div> </div> </li> </script> <script type="text/html" id="tmpl-menu-item-reorder-nav"> <div class="menu-item-reorder-nav"> <?php printf( '<button type="button" class="menus-move-up">%1$s</button><button type="button" class="menus-move-down">%2$s</button><button type="button" class="menus-move-left">%3$s</button><button type="button" class="menus-move-right">%4$s</button>', __( 'Move up' ), __( 'Move down' ), __( 'Move one level up' ), __( 'Move one level down' ) ); ?> </div> </script> <script type="text/html" id="tmpl-nav-menu-delete-button"> <div class="menu-delete-item"> <button type="button" class="button-link button-link-delete"> <?php _e( 'Delete Menu' ); ?> </button> </div> </script> <script type="text/html" id="tmpl-nav-menu-submit-new-button"> <p id="customize-new-menu-submit-description"><?php _e( 'Click “Next” to start adding links to your new menu.' ); ?></p> <button id="customize-new-menu-submit" type="button" class="button" aria-describedby="customize-new-menu-submit-description"><?php _e( 'Next' ); ?></button> </script> <script type="text/html" id="tmpl-nav-menu-locations-header"> <span class="customize-control-title customize-section-title-menu_locations-heading">{{ data.l10n.locationsTitle }}</span> <p class="customize-control-description customize-section-title-menu_locations-description">{{ data.l10n.locationsDescription }}</p> </script> <script type="text/html" id="tmpl-nav-menu-create-menu-section-title"> <p class="add-new-menu-notice"> <?php _e( 'It doesn’t look like your site has any menus yet. Want to build one? Click the button to start.' ); ?> </p> <p class="add-new-menu-notice"> <?php _e( 'You’ll create a menu, assign it a location, and add menu items like links to pages and categories. If your theme has multiple menu areas, you might need to create more than one.' ); ?> </p> <h3> <button type="button" class="button customize-add-menu-button"> <?php _e( 'Create New Menu' ); ?> </button> </h3> </script> <?php }
Version | Description |
4.3.0 | Introduced. |
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