wp-includes/taxonomy.php: unregister_taxonomy() | Unregisters a taxonomy. |
wp-includes/class-wp-term.php: WP_Term::get_instance() | Retrieve WP_Term instance. |
wp-includes/customize/class-wp-customize-nav-menu-item-setting.php: WP_Customize_Nav_Menu_Item_Setting::populate_value() | Ensure that the value is fully populated with the necessary properties. |
wp-admin/includes/class-wp-screen.php: WP_Screen::get() | Fetches a screen object. |
wp-admin/includes/class-wp-terms-list-table.php: WP_Terms_List_Table::__construct() | Constructor. |
wp-admin/includes/nav-menu.php: _wp_ajax_menu_quick_search() | Prints the appropriate response to a menu quick search. |
wp-includes/category-template.php: wp_list_categories() | Displays or retrieves the HTML list of categories. |
wp-includes/deprecated.php: is_taxonomy() | Checks that the taxonomy name exists. |
wp-includes/widgets/class-wp-widget-tag-cloud.php: WP_Widget_Tag_Cloud::_get_current_taxonomy() | Retrieves the taxonomy for the current Tag cloud widget instance. |
wp-includes/class-wp-tax-query.php: WP_Tax_Query::clean_query() | Validates a single query. |
wp-includes/taxonomy.php: wp_update_term() | Update term based on arguments provided. |
wp-includes/taxonomy.php: wp_get_object_terms() | Retrieves the terms associated with the given object(s), in the supplied taxonomies. |
wp-includes/taxonomy.php: wp_set_object_terms() | Create Term and Taxonomy Relationships. |
wp-includes/taxonomy.php: wp_remove_object_terms() | Remove term(s) associated with a given object. |
wp-includes/taxonomy.php: wp_insert_term() | Add a new term to the database. |
wp-includes/taxonomy.php: wp_count_terms() | Count how many terms are in Taxonomy. |
wp-includes/taxonomy.php: get_term_children() | Merge all term children into a single array of their IDs. |
wp-includes/taxonomy.php: get_term_by() | Get all Term data from database by Term field and data. |
wp-includes/taxonomy.php: get_terms() | Retrieves the terms in a given taxonomy or list of taxonomies. |
wp-includes/taxonomy.php: get_taxonomy() | Retrieves the taxonomy object of $taxonomy. |
wp-includes/taxonomy.php: is_taxonomy_hierarchical() | Determines whether the taxonomy object is hierarchical. |
wp-includes/taxonomy.php: get_objects_in_term() | Retrieve object_ids of valid taxonomy and term. |
wp-includes/taxonomy.php: get_term() | Get all Term data from database by Term ID. |
wp-includes/link-template.php: get_adjacent_post() | Retrieves the adjacent post. |
wp-includes/link-template.php: get_boundary_post() | Retrieves the boundary post. |
wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php: wp_xmlrpc_server::wp_newTerm() | Create a new term. |
wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php: wp_xmlrpc_server::wp_editTerm() | Edit a term. |
wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php: wp_xmlrpc_server::wp_deleteTerm() | Delete a term. |
wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php: wp_xmlrpc_server::wp_getTerm() | Retrieve a term. |
wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php: wp_xmlrpc_server::wp_getTerms() | Retrieve all terms for a taxonomy. |
wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php: wp_xmlrpc_server::wp_getTaxonomy() | Retrieve a taxonomy. |