class, var_power=1.0) [source]

Tweedie family.

  • link (a link instance, optional) – The default link for the Tweedie family is the log link. Available links are log and Power. See statsmodels.genmod.families.links for more information.
  • var_power (float, optional) – The variance power. The default is 1.

a link instance – The link function of the Tweedie instance


varfunc instancevariance is an instance of statsmodels.genmod.families.varfuncs.Power


float – The power of the variance function.


Logliklihood function not implemented because of the complexity of calculating an infinite series of summations. The variance power can be estimated using the estimate_tweedie_power function that is part of the statsmodels.genmod.generalized_linear_model.GLM class.


deviance(endog, mu[, var_weights, …]) The deviance function evaluated at (endog, mu, var_weights, freq_weights, scale) for the distribution.
fitted(lin_pred) Fitted values based on linear predictors lin_pred.
loglike(endog, mu[, var_weights, …]) The log-likelihood function in terms of the fitted mean response.
loglike_obs(endog, mu[, var_weights, scale]) The log-likelihood function for each observation in terms of the fitted mean response for the Tweedie distribution.
predict(mu) Linear predictors based on given mu values.
resid_anscombe(endog, mu[, var_weights, scale]) The Anscombe residuals
resid_dev(endog, mu[, var_weights, scale]) The deviance residuals
starting_mu(y) Starting value for mu in the IRLS algorithm.
weights(mu) Weights for IRLS steps

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© 2006 Jonathan E. Taylor
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