QWaylandQuickShellSurfaceItem Class

The QWaylandQuickShellSurfaceItem class provides a Qt Quick item that represents a QWaylandShellSurface. More...

Header: #include <QWaylandQuickShellSurfaceItem>
qmake: QT += waylandcompositor
Since: Qt 5.8
Inherits: QWaylandQuickItem


Public Functions

QWaylandQuickShellSurfaceItem(QQuickItem *parent = nullptr)
QQuickItem * moveItem() const
void setMoveItem(QQuickItem *moveItem)
void setShellSurface(QWaylandShellSurface *shellSurface)
QWaylandShellSurface * shellSurface() const


void moveItemChanged()
void shellSurfaceChanged()

Reimplemented Protected Functions

virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override
virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override

Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

The QWaylandQuickShellSurfaceItem class provides a Qt Quick item that represents a QWaylandShellSurface.

This class is used to render wl_shell, xdg_shell or ivi_application surfaces as part of a Qt Quick scene. It handles moving and resizing triggered by clicking on the window decorations.

See also QWaylandQuickItem, QWaylandWlShellSurface, QWaylandXdgSurfaceV5, and QWaylandIviSurface.

Property Documentation

moveItem : QQuickItem *

This property holds the move item for this QWaylandQuickShellSurfaceItem. This is the item that will be moved when the clients request the QWaylandShellSurface to be moved, maximized, resized etc. This property is useful when implementing server-side decorations.

Access functions:

QQuickItem * moveItem() const
void setMoveItem(QQuickItem *moveItem)

Notifier signal:

void moveItemChanged()

shellSurface : QWaylandShellSurface *

This property holds the QWaylandShellSurface rendered by this QWaylandQuickShellSurfaceItem. It may either be a QWaylandXdgSurfaceV5, QWaylandWlShellSurface or QWaylandIviSurface depending on which shell protocol is in use.

Access functions:

QWaylandShellSurface * shellSurface() const
void setShellSurface(QWaylandShellSurface *shellSurface)

Notifier signal:

void shellSurfaceChanged()

Member Function Documentation

QWaylandQuickShellSurfaceItem::QWaylandQuickShellSurfaceItem(QQuickItem *parent = nullptr)

Constructs a QWaylandQuickWlShellSurfaceItem with the given parent.

[override virtual protected] void QWaylandQuickShellSurfaceItem::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event)

[override virtual protected] void QWaylandQuickShellSurfaceItem::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event)

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