QQuickWebEngineProfile Class

The QQuickWebEngineProfile class provides a web engine profile shared by multiple pages. More...

Header: #include <QQuickWebEngineProfile>
Since: Qt 5.6
Instantiated By: WebEngineProfile
Inherits: QObject

Public Types

enum HttpCacheType { MemoryHttpCache, DiskHttpCache, NoCache }
enum PersistentCookiesPolicy { NoPersistentCookies, AllowPersistentCookies, ForcePersistentCookies }


  • 1 property inherited from QObject

Public Functions

QQuickWebEngineProfile(QObject *parent = Q_NULLPTR)
QString cachePath() const
void clearHttpCache()
QWebEngineCookieStore * cookieStore() const
QString httpAcceptLanguage() const
int httpCacheMaximumSize() const
HttpCacheType httpCacheType() const
QString httpUserAgent() const
void installUrlSchemeHandler(const QByteArray &scheme, QWebEngineUrlSchemeHandler *handler)
bool isOffTheRecord() const
bool isSpellCheckEnabled() const
PersistentCookiesPolicy persistentCookiesPolicy() const
QString persistentStoragePath() const
void removeAllUrlSchemeHandlers()
void removeUrlScheme(const QByteArray &scheme)
void removeUrlSchemeHandler(QWebEngineUrlSchemeHandler *handler)
void setCachePath(const QString &path)
void setHttpAcceptLanguage(const QString &httpAcceptLanguage)
void setHttpCacheMaximumSize(int maxSize)
void setHttpCacheType(QQuickWebEngineProfile::HttpCacheType)
void setHttpUserAgent(const QString &userAgent)
void setOffTheRecord(bool offTheRecord)
void setPersistentCookiesPolicy(QQuickWebEngineProfile::PersistentCookiesPolicy)
void setPersistentStoragePath(const QString &path)
void setRequestInterceptor(QWebEngineUrlRequestInterceptor *interceptor)
void setSpellCheckEnabled(bool enabled)
void setSpellCheckLanguages(const QStringList &languages)
void setStorageName(const QString &name)
QStringList spellCheckLanguages() const
QString storageName() const
const QWebEngineUrlSchemeHandler * urlSchemeHandler(const QByteArray &scheme) const
QQmlListProperty<QQuickWebEngineScript> userScripts()
  • 32 public functions inherited from QObject


void cachePathChanged()
void downloadFinished(QQuickWebEngineDownloadItem *download)
void downloadRequested(QQuickWebEngineDownloadItem *download)
void httpAcceptLanguageChanged()
void httpCacheMaximumSizeChanged()
void httpCacheTypeChanged()
void httpUserAgentChanged()
void offTheRecordChanged()
void persistentCookiesPolicyChanged()
void persistentStoragePathChanged()
void spellCheckEnabledChanged()
void spellCheckLanguagesChanged()
void storageNameChanged()

Static Public Members

QQuickWebEngineProfile * defaultProfile()
  • 11 static public members inherited from QObject

Additional Inherited Members

  • 1 public slot inherited from QObject
  • 9 protected functions inherited from QObject

Detailed Description

The QQuickWebEngineProfile class provides a web engine profile shared by multiple pages.

A web engine profile contains properties and functionality shared by a group of web engine pages.

Information about visited links is stored together with persistent cookies and other persistent data in a storage described by the persistentStoragePath property.

Profiles can be used to isolate pages from each other. A typical use case is a dedicated off-the-record profile for a private browsing mode. An off-the-record profile forces cookies, the HTTP cache, and other normally persistent data to be stored only in memory. The offTheRecord property holds whether a profile is off-the-record.

The default profile can be accessed by defaultProfile(). It is a built-in profile that all web pages not specifically created with another profile belong to.

A WebEngineProfile instance can be created and accessed from C++ through the QQuickWebEngineProfile class, which exposes further functionality in C++. This allows Qt Quick applications to intercept URL requests (QQuickWebEngineProfile::setRequestInterceptor), or register custom URL schemes (QQuickWebEngineProfile::installUrlSchemeHandler).

Spellchecking HTML form fields can be enabled per profile by setting the spellCheckEnabled property and the current languages used for spellchecking can be set by using the spellCheckLanguages property.

Member Type Documentation

enum QQuickWebEngineProfile::HttpCacheType

This enum describes the HTTP cache type:

Constant Value Description
QQuickWebEngineProfile::MemoryHttpCache 0 Use an in-memory cache. This is the only setting possible if off-the-record is set or no cache path is available.
QQuickWebEngineProfile::DiskHttpCache 1 Use a disk cache. This is the default.
QQuickWebEngineProfile::NoCache 2 Disable both in-memory and disk caching. (Added in Qt 5.7)

enum QQuickWebEngineProfile::PersistentCookiesPolicy

This enum describes policy for cookie persistency:

Constant Value Description
QQuickWebEngineProfile::NoPersistentCookies 0 Both session and persistent cookies are stored in memory. This is the only setting possible if off-the-record is set or no persistent data path is available.
QQuickWebEngineProfile::AllowPersistentCookies 1 Cookies marked persistent are saved to and restored from disk, whereas session cookies are only stored to disk for crash recovery. This is the default setting.
QQuickWebEngineProfile::ForcePersistentCookies 2 Both session and persistent cookies are saved to and restored from disk.

Property Documentation

cachePath : QString

The path to the location where the profile's caches are stored, in particular the HTTP cache.

By default, the caches are stored below QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::CacheLocation) in a directory named using storageName.

Access functions:

QString cachePath() const
void setCachePath(const QString &path)

Notifier signal:

void cachePathChanged()

httpAcceptLanguage : QString

The value of the Accept-Language HTTP request-header field.

Access functions:

QString httpAcceptLanguage() const
void setHttpAcceptLanguage(const QString &httpAcceptLanguage)

Notifier signal:

void httpAcceptLanguageChanged()

httpCacheMaximumSize : int

The maximum size of the HTTP cache. If 0, the size will be controlled automatically by QtWebEngine. The default value is 0.

Access functions:

int httpCacheMaximumSize() const
void setHttpCacheMaximumSize(int maxSize)

Notifier signal:

void httpCacheMaximumSizeChanged()

See also httpCacheType.

httpCacheType : HttpCacheType

This enumeration describes the type of the HTTP cache.

If the profile is off-the-record, MemoryHttpCache is returned.

Access functions:

HttpCacheType httpCacheType() const
void setHttpCacheType(QQuickWebEngineProfile::HttpCacheType)

Notifier signal:

void httpCacheTypeChanged()

httpUserAgent : QString

The user-agent string sent with HTTP to identify the browser.

Access functions:

QString httpUserAgent() const
void setHttpUserAgent(const QString &userAgent)

Notifier signal:

void httpUserAgentChanged()

offTheRecord : bool

Whether the web engine profile is off-the-record. An off-the-record profile forces cookies, the HTTP cache, and other normally persistent data to be stored only in memory.

Access functions:

bool isOffTheRecord() const
void setOffTheRecord(bool offTheRecord)

Notifier signal:

void offTheRecordChanged()

persistentCookiesPolicy : PersistentCookiesPolicy

This enumeration describes the policy of cookie persistency. If the profile is off-the-record, NoPersistentCookies is returned.

Access functions:

PersistentCookiesPolicy persistentCookiesPolicy() const
void setPersistentCookiesPolicy(QQuickWebEngineProfile::PersistentCookiesPolicy)

Notifier signal:

void persistentCookiesPolicyChanged()

persistentStoragePath : QString

The path to the location where the persistent data for the browser and web content are stored. Persistent data includes persistent cookies, HTML5 local storage, and visited links.

By default, the storage is located below QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::DataLocation) in a directory named using storageName.

Access functions:

QString persistentStoragePath() const
void setPersistentStoragePath(const QString &path)

Notifier signal:

void persistentStoragePathChanged()

spellCheckEnabled : bool

This property holds whether the web engine spell checker is enabled.

This property was introduced in QtWebEngine 1.4.

Access functions:

bool isSpellCheckEnabled() const
void setSpellCheckEnabled(bool enabled)

Notifier signal:

void spellCheckEnabledChanged()

spellCheckLanguages : QStringList

This property holds the languages used by the spell checker.

This property was introduced in QtWebEngine 1.4.

Access functions:

QStringList spellCheckLanguages() const
void setSpellCheckLanguages(const QStringList &languages)

Notifier signal:

void spellCheckLanguagesChanged()

storageName : QString

The storage name that is used to create separate subdirectories for each profile that uses the disk for storing persistent data and cache.

Access functions:

QString storageName() const
void setStorageName(const QString &name)

Notifier signal:

void storageNameChanged()

See also persistentStoragePath and cachePath.

userScripts : const QQmlListProperty<QQuickWebEngineScript>

This property holds the collection of scripts that are injected into all pages that share this profile.

This property was introduced in Qt 5.9.

Access functions:

QQmlListProperty<QQuickWebEngineScript> userScripts()

See also QQuickWebEngineScript and QQmlListReference.

Member Function Documentation

QQuickWebEngineProfile::QQuickWebEngineProfile(QObject *parent = Q_NULLPTR)

Constructs a new profile with the parent parent.

void QQuickWebEngineProfile::clearHttpCache()

Removes the profile's cache entries.

This function was introduced in Qt 5.7.

See also WebEngineProfile::clearHttpCache.

QWebEngineCookieStore *QQuickWebEngineProfile::cookieStore() const

Returns the cookie store for this profile.

[static] QQuickWebEngineProfile *QQuickWebEngineProfile::defaultProfile()

Returns the default profile.

The default profile uses the storage name "Default".

See also storageName().

[signal] void QQuickWebEngineProfile::downloadFinished(QQuickWebEngineDownloadItem *download)

This signal is emitted whenever downloading stops, because it finished successfully, was cancelled, or was interrupted (for example, because connectivity was lost). The download argument holds the state of the finished download instance.

[signal] void QQuickWebEngineProfile::downloadRequested(QQuickWebEngineDownloadItem *download)

This signal is emitted whenever a download has been triggered. The download argument holds the state of the download. The download has to be explicitly accepted with QQuickWebEngineDownloadItem::accept() or it will be cancelled by default. The download item is parented by the profile. If it is not accepted, it will be deleted immediately after the signal emission. This signal cannot be used with a queued connection.

void QQuickWebEngineProfile::installUrlSchemeHandler(const QByteArray &scheme, QWebEngineUrlSchemeHandler *handler)

Registers a handler handler for custom URL scheme scheme in the profile.

void QQuickWebEngineProfile::removeAllUrlSchemeHandlers()

Removes all custom URL scheme handlers installed in the profile.

void QQuickWebEngineProfile::removeUrlScheme(const QByteArray &scheme)

Removes the custom URL scheme scheme from the profile.

See also removeUrlSchemeHandler().

void QQuickWebEngineProfile::removeUrlSchemeHandler(QWebEngineUrlSchemeHandler *handler)

Removes the custom URL scheme handler handler from the profile.

See also removeUrlScheme().

void QQuickWebEngineProfile::setRequestInterceptor(QWebEngineUrlRequestInterceptor *interceptor)

Registers a request interceptor singleton interceptor to intercept URL requests.

The profile does not take ownership of the pointer.

See also QWebEngineUrlRequestInterceptor.

QStringList QQuickWebEngineProfile::spellCheckLanguages() const

Returns the list of languages used by the spell checker.

This function was introduced in Qt 5.8.

Note: Getter function for property spellCheckLanguages.

See also setSpellCheckLanguages().

const QWebEngineUrlSchemeHandler *QQuickWebEngineProfile::urlSchemeHandler(const QByteArray &scheme) const

Returns the custom URL scheme handler register for the URL scheme scheme.

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Licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3.