SignalSpy QML Type

Enables introspection of signal emission More...

Import Statement: import QtTest 1.1
Since: Qt 4.8




Detailed Description

In the following example, a SignalSpy is installed to watch the "clicked" signal on a user-defined Button type. When the signal is emitted, the count property on the spy will be increased.

Button {
    id: button
    SignalSpy {
        id: spy
        target: button
        signalName: "clicked"
    TestCase {
        name: "ButtonClick"
        function test_click() {
            compare(spy.count, 0)
            compare(spy.count, 1)

The above style of test is suitable for signals that are emitted synchronously. For asynchronous signals, the wait() method can be used to block the test until the signal occurs (or a timeout expires).

See also TestCase and Qt Quick Test Reference Documentation.

Property Documentation

[read-only] count : int

This property defines the number of times that signalName has been emitted from target since the last call to clear().

See also target, signalName, and clear().

[read-only] signalArguments : list

This property holds a list of emitted signal arguments. Each emission of the signal will append one item to the list, containing the arguments of the signal. When connecting to a new target or new signalName or calling the clear() method, the signalArguments will be reset to empty.

See also signalName and clear().

signalName : string

This property defines the name of the signal on target to listen for.

See also target and count.

target : var

This property defines the target object that will be used to listen for emissions of the signalName signal.

See also signalName and count.

[read-only] valid : bool

This property defines the current signal connection status. It will be true when the signalName of the target is connected successfully, otherwise it will be false.

See also count, target, signalName, and clear().

Method Documentation


Clears count to 0, resets valid to false and clears the signalArguments to empty.

See also count and wait().

wait(timeout = 5000)

Waits for the signal signalName on target to be emitted, for up to timeout milliseconds. The test case will fail if the signal is not emitted.

SignalSpy {
    id: spy
    target: button
    signalName: "clicked"

function test_async_click() {
    // do something that will cause clicked() to be emitted
    compare(spy.count, 1)

There are two possible scenarios: the signal has already been emitted when wait() is called, or the signal has not yet been emitted. The wait() function handles the first scenario by immediately returning if the signal has already occurred.

The clear() method can be used to discard information about signals that have already occurred to synchronize wait() with future signal emissions.

See also clear() and TestCase::tryCompare().

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