QtROServerFactory Class

A class holding information about server backends available on the Qt Remote Objects network More...

Header: #include <QtROServerFactory>
qmake: QT += remoteobjects

Public Functions

QConnectionAbstractServer * create(const QUrl &url, QObject *parent = nullptr)
void registerType(const QString &id)
void qRegisterRemoteObjectsServer(const QString &id)

Detailed Description

A class holding information about server backends available on the Qt Remote Objects network

Member Function Documentation

QConnectionAbstractServer *QtROServerFactory::create(const QUrl &url, QObject *parent = nullptr)

void QtROServerFactory::registerType(const QString &id)

Related Non-Members

void qRegisterRemoteObjectsServer(const QString &id)

Registers the Remote Objects server id for the type T.

If you need a custom transport protocol for Qt Remote Objects, you need to register the client & server implementation here.

Note: This function requires that T is a fully defined type at the point where the function is called.

This example registers the class CustomServerImpl as "myprotocol":


With this in place, you can now instantiate nodes using this new custom protocol:

QRemoteObjectNode client(QUrl(QStringLiteral("myprotocol:registry")));

See also qRegisterRemoteObjectsServer.

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