WaylandCompositor QML Type

Manages the Wayland display server. More...

Import Statement: import QtWayland.Compositor 1.0
Since: Qt 5.8




Detailed Description

The WaylandCompositor manages the connections to the clients, as well as the different outputs and seats.

Normally, a compositor application will have a single WaylandCompositor instance, which can have several outputs as children. When a client requests the compositor to create a surface, the request is handled by the onSurfaceRequested handler.

Extensions that are supported by the compositor should be instantiated and added to the extensions property.

Property Documentation

created : bool

This property is true if WaylandCompositor has been initialized, otherwise it's false.

defaultOutput : WaylandOutput

This property contains the first in the list of outputs added to the WaylandCompositor, or null if no outputs have been added.

Setting a new default output prepends it to the output list, making it the new default, but the previous default is not removed from the list.

defaultSeat : WaylandSeat

This property contains the default seat for this WaylandCompositor.

extensions : list

A list of extensions that the compositor advertises to its clients. For any Wayland extension the compositor should support, instantiate its component, and add it to the list of extensions.

For instance, the following code would allow the clients to request wl_shell surfaces in the compositor using the wl_shell interface.

import QtWayland.Compositor 1.0

WaylandCompositor {
    WlShell {
        // ...

retainedSelection : bool

This property holds whether retained selection is enabled.

socketName : string

This property holds the socket name used by WaylandCompositor to communicate with clients. It must be set before the component is completed.

If the socketName is empty (the default), the contents of the start argument --wayland-socket-name are used instead. If the argument is not set, the compositor tries to find a socket name, which is wayland-0 by default.

useHardwareIntegrationExtension : bool

This property holds whether the hardware integration extension should be enabled for this WaylandCompositor.

This property must be set before the compositor component is completed.

Signal Documentation

void surfaceCreated(QWaylandSurface *surface)

This signal is emitted when a new WaylandSurface instance has been created.

void surfaceRequested(WaylandClient client, int id, int version)

This signal is emitted when a client has created a surface. The slot connecting to this signal may create and initialize a WaylandSurface instance in the scope of the slot. Otherwise a default surface is created.

Method Documentation


Destroys the given WaylandClient client.


Destroys the client for the WaylandSurface surface.

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