QStyleOptionTab Class

The QStyleOptionTab class is used to describe the parameters for drawing a tab bar. More...

Header: #include <QStyleOptionTab>
qmake: QT += widgets
Inherits: QStyleOption

Public Types

enum CornerWidget { NoCornerWidgets, LeftCornerWidget, RightCornerWidget }
flags CornerWidgets
enum SelectedPosition { NotAdjacent, NextIsSelected, PreviousIsSelected }
enum StyleOptionType { Type }
enum StyleOptionVersion { Version }
enum TabFeature { None, HasFrame }
flags TabFeatures
enum TabPosition { Beginning, Middle, End, OnlyOneTab }

Public Functions

QStyleOptionTab(const QStyleOptionTab &other)

Public Variables

CornerWidgets cornerWidgets
bool documentMode
QIcon icon
QSize iconSize
QSize leftButtonSize
TabPosition position
QSize rightButtonSize
int row
SelectedPosition selectedPosition
QTabBar::Shape shape
QString text

Detailed Description

The QStyleOptionTab class is used to describe the parameters for drawing a tab bar.

The QStyleOptionTab class is used for drawing several built-in Qt widgets including QTabBar and the panel for QTabWidget.

An instance of the QStyleOptionTab class has type SO_Tab and version 3. The type is used internally by QStyleOption, its subclasses, and qstyleoption_cast() to determine the type of style option. In general you do not need to worry about this unless you want to create your own QStyleOption subclass and your own styles. The version is used by QStyleOption subclasses to implement extensions without breaking compatibility. If you use qstyleoption_cast(), you normally do not need to check it.

For an example demonstrating how style options can be used, see the Styles example.

See also QStyleOption.

Member Type Documentation

enum QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidgetflags QStyleOptionTab::CornerWidgets

These flags indicate the corner widgets in a tab.

Constant Value Description
QStyleOptionTab::NoCornerWidgets 0x00 There are no corner widgets
QStyleOptionTab::LeftCornerWidget 0x01 Left corner widget
QStyleOptionTab::RightCornerWidget 0x02 Right corner widget

The CornerWidgets type is a typedef for QFlags<CornerWidget>. It stores an OR combination of CornerWidget values.

See also cornerWidgets.

enum QStyleOptionTab::SelectedPosition

This enum describes the position of the selected tab. Some styles need to draw a tab differently depending on whether or not it is adjacent to the selected tab.

Constant Value Description
QStyleOptionTab::NotAdjacent 0 The tab is not adjacent to a selected tab (or is the selected tab).
QStyleOptionTab::NextIsSelected 1 The next tab (typically the tab on the right) is selected.
QStyleOptionTab::PreviousIsSelected 2 The previous tab (typically the tab on the left) is selected.

See also selectedPosition.

enum QStyleOptionTab::StyleOptionType

This enum is used to hold information about the type of the style option, and is defined for each QStyleOption subclass.

Constant Value Description
QStyleOptionTab::Type SO_Tab The type of style option provided (SO_Tab for this class).

The type is used internally by QStyleOption, its subclasses, and qstyleoption_cast() to determine the type of style option. In general you do not need to worry about this unless you want to create your own QStyleOption subclass and your own styles.

See also StyleOptionVersion.

enum QStyleOptionTab::StyleOptionVersion

This enum is used to hold information about the version of the style option, and is defined for each QStyleOption subclass.

Constant Value Description
QStyleOptionTab::Version 3 3

The version is used by QStyleOption subclasses to implement extensions without breaking compatibility. If you use qstyleoption_cast(), you normally do not need to check it.

See also StyleOptionType.

enum QStyleOptionTab::TabFeatureflags QStyleOptionTab::TabFeatures

Describes the various features that a tab button can have.

Constant Value Description
QStyleOptionTab::None 0x00 A normal tab button.
QStyleOptionTab::HasFrame 0x01 The tab button is positioned on a tab frame

The TabFeatures type is a typedef for QFlags<TabFeature>. It stores an OR combination of TabFeature values.

See also features.

enum QStyleOptionTab::TabPosition

This enum describes the position of the tab.

Constant Value Description
QStyleOptionTab::Beginning 0 The tab is the first tab in the tab bar.
QStyleOptionTab::Middle 1 The tab is neither the first nor the last tab in the tab bar.
QStyleOptionTab::End 2 The tab is the last tab in the tab bar.
QStyleOptionTab::OnlyOneTab 3 The tab is both the first and the last tab in the tab bar.

See also position.

Member Function Documentation


Constructs a QStyleOptionTab object, initializing the members variables to their default values.

QStyleOptionTab::QStyleOptionTab(const QStyleOptionTab &other)

Constructs a copy of the other style option.

Member Variable Documentation

CornerWidgets QStyleOptionTab::cornerWidgets

This variable holds an OR combination of CornerWidget values indicating the corner widgets of the tab bar

The default value is NoCornerWidgets.

See also CornerWidget.

bool QStyleOptionTab::documentMode

This variable holds whether the tabbar is in document mode.

The default value is false;

QIcon QStyleOptionTab::icon

This variable holds the icon for the tab

The default value is an empty icon, i.e. an icon with neither a pixmap nor a filename.

QSize QStyleOptionTab::iconSize

This variable holds the size for the icons

The default value is QSize(-1, -1), i.e. an invalid size; use QStyle::pixelMetric() to find the default icon size for tab bars.

See also QTabBar::iconSize().

QSize QStyleOptionTab::leftButtonSize

This variable holds the size for the left widget on the tab.

The default value is QSize(-1, -1), i.e. an invalid size;

TabPosition QStyleOptionTab::position

This variable holds the position of the tab in the tab bar

The default value is Beginning, i.e. the tab is the first tab in the tab bar.

QSize QStyleOptionTab::rightButtonSize

This variable holds the size for the right widget on the tab.

The default value is QSize(-1, -1), i.e. an invalid size;

int QStyleOptionTab::row

This variable holds which row the tab is currently in

The default value is 0, indicating the front row. Currently this property can only be 0.

SelectedPosition QStyleOptionTab::selectedPosition

This variable holds the position of the selected tab in relation to this tab

The default value is NotAdjacent, i.e. the tab is not adjacent to a selected tab nor is it the selected tab.

QTabBar::Shape QStyleOptionTab::shape

This variable holds the tab shape used to draw the tab; by default QTabBar::RoundedNorth

See also QTabBar::Shape.

QString QStyleOptionTab::text

This variable holds the text of the tab

The default value is an empty string.

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