ChartView QML Type

Manages the graphical representation of the chart's series, legends, and axes. More...

Import Statement: import QtCharts 2.2




Detailed Description

The ChartView type displays different series types as charts.

The following QML code shows how to create a simple chart with one pie series:

import QtQuick 2.0
import QtCharts 2.0

ChartView {
    width: 400
    height: 300
    theme: ChartView.ChartThemeBrownSand
    antialiasing: true

    PieSeries {
        id: pieSeries
        PieSlice { label: "eaten"; value: 94.9 }
        PieSlice { label: "not yet eaten"; value: 5.1 }

Property Documentation

animationDuration : int

The duration of the animation for the chart.

animationEasingCurve : easing

The easing curve of the animation for the chart.

animationOptions : enumeration

The animations enabled in the chart:

Constant Description
ChartView.NoAnimation Animation is disabled in the chart. This is the default value.
ChartView.GridAxisAnimations Grid axis animation is enabled in the chart.
ChartView.SeriesAnimations Series animation is enabled in the chart.
ChartView.AllAnimations All animation types are enabled in the chart.

axes : list<AbstractAxis>

The axes of the chart.

backgroundColor : color

The color of the chart's background. By default, the background color is specified by the chart theme.

See also theme.

backgroundRoundness : real

The diameter of the rounding circle at the corners of the chart background.

count : int

The number of series added to the chart.

dropShadowEnabled : bool

Whether the background drop shadow effect is enabled.

If set to true, the background drop shadow effect is enabled. If set to false, it is disabled.

legend : Legend

The legend of the chart. The legend lists all the series, pie slices, and bar sets added to the chart.

locale : locale

The locale used to format various chart labels.

Labels are localized only when localizeNumbers is true, except for DateTimeAxis labels, which always use the QLocale set with this property.

Defaults to the application default locale at the time when the chart is constructed.

This QML property was introduced in QtCharts 2.0.

See also localizeNumbers.

localizeNumbers : bool

Whether numbers are localized.

When true, all generated numbers appearing in various series and axis labels will be localized using the QLocale set with the locale property. When false, the C locale is always used. Defaults to false.

Note: This property does not affect DateTimeAxis labels, which always use the QLocale set with the locale property.

This QML property was introduced in QtCharts 2.0.

See also locale.

margins : Margins

The minimum margins allowed between the edge of the chart rectangle and the plot area. The margins are used for drawing the title, axes, and legend.

plotArea : rect

The rectangle within which the chart is drawn.

The plot area does not include the area defined by margins.

See also margins.

plotAreaColor : color

The color of the background of the chart's plot area. By default, the plot area background uses the chart's background color, which is specified by the chart theme.

See also backgroundColor and theme.

theme : enumeration

The theme used by the chart.

A theme is a built-in collection of UI style related settings applied to all the visual elements of a chart, such as colors, pens, brushes, and fonts of series, as well as axes, title, and legend. The Qml Oscilloscope example illustrates how to set a theme.

Note: Changing the theme will overwrite all customizations previously applied to the series.

The following values are supported:

Constant Description
ChartView.ChartThemeLight The light theme, which is the default theme.
ChartView.ChartThemeBlueCerulean The cerulean blue theme.
ChartView.ChartThemeDark The dark theme.
ChartView.ChartThemeBrownSand The sand brown theme.
ChartView.ChartThemeBlueNcs The natural color system (NCS) blue theme.
ChartView.ChartThemeHighContrast The high contrast theme.
ChartView.ChartThemeBlueIcy The icy blue theme.
ChartView.ChartThemeQt The Qt theme.

title : string

The title is shown as a headline on top of the chart. Chart titles support HTML formatting.

See also titleColor.

titleColor : color

The color of the title text.

titleFont : font

The title font of the chart.

For more information, see font.

Signal Documentation

seriesAdded(AbstractSeries series)

This signal is emitted when the series series is added to the chart.

seriesRemoved(AbstractSeries series)

This signal is emitted when the series series is removed from the chart. The series object becomes invalid when the signal handler completes.

Method Documentation

Axis axisX(AbstractSeries series)

The x-axis of the series.

Axis axisY(AbstractSeries series)

The y-axis of the series.

AbstractSeries createSeries(enumeration type, string name, AbstractAxis axisX, AbstractAxis axisY)

Adds a series of the type type to the chart with the name name and, optionally, the axes axisX and axisY. For example:

// lineSeries is a LineSeries object that has already been added to the ChartView; re-use its axes
var myAxisX = chartView.axisX(lineSeries);
var myAxisY = chartView.axisY(lineSeries);
var scatter = chartView.createSeries(ChartView.SeriesTypeScatter, "scatter series", myAxisX, myAxisY);

The following enumeration values can be used as values of type:

Constant Description
ChartView.SeriesTypeLine A line series.
ChartView.SeriesTypeArea An area series.
ChartView.SeriesTypeBar A bar series.
ChartView.SeriesTypeStackedBar A stacked bar series.
ChartView.SeriesTypePercentBar A percent bar series.
ChartView.SeriesTypeBoxPlot A box plot series.
ChartView.SeriesTypeCandlestick A candlestick series.
ChartView.SeriesTypePie A pie series.
ChartView.SeriesTypeScatter A scatter series.
ChartView.SeriesTypeSpline A spline series.
ChartView.SeriesTypeHorizontalBar A horizontal bar series.
ChartView.SeriesTypeHorizontalStackedBar A horizontal stacked bar series.
ChartView.SeriesTypeHorizontalPercentBar A horizontal percent bar series.


Returns true if any series has a zoomed domain.

point mapToPosition(point value, AbstractSeries series)

Returns the position in the chart of the value value in the series series.

point mapToValue(point position, AbstractSeries series)

Returns the value in the series series located at the position position in the chart.


Removes all series from the chart and permanently deletes all the series objects.

removeSeries(AbstractSeries series)

Removes the series series from the chart and permanently deletes the series object.

scrollDown(real pixels)

Scrolls down by the number of pixels specified by pixels. This is a convenience method suitable for key navigation, for example.

scrollLeft(real pixels)

Scrolls to left by the number of pixels specified by pixels. This is a convenience method suitable for key navigation, for example.

scrollRight(real pixels)

Scrolls to right by by the number of pixels specified by pixels. This is a convenience method suitable for key navigation, for example.

scrollUp(real pixels)

Scrolls up by the number of pixels specified by pixels. This is a convenience method suitable for key navigation, for example.

AbstractSeries series(string name)

Returns the first series in the chart with the name name. If there is no series with that name, returns null.

AbstractSeries series(int index)

Returns the series with the index index on the chart. Together with the count property of the chart, this enables looping through the series of a chart.

See also count.

setAxisX(AbstractAxis axis, AbstractSeries series)

Sets the x-axis of the series.

setAxisY(AbstractAxis axis, AbstractSeries series)

Sets the y-axis of the series.

zoom(real factor)

Zooms into the chart by the custom factor factor.

A factor over 1.0 zooms into the view in and a factor between 0.0 and 1.0 zooms out of it.

zoomIn(rect rectangle)

Zooms into the view to a maximum level at which the rectangle rectangle is still fully visible.

Note: This is not supported for polar charts.


Zooms into the view by a factor of two.


Zooms out of the view by a factor of two.


Resets the series domains to what they were before any zoom method was called.

Note: This will also reset scrolling and explicit axis range settings specified between the first zoom operation and calling this method. If no zoom operation has been performed, this method does nothing.

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