CameraImageProcessing QML Type
An interface for camera capture related settings. More...
Import Statement: | import QtMultimedia 5.8 |
- brightness : qreal
- colorFilter : enumeration
- contrast : qreal
- denoisingLevel : qreal
- manualWhiteBalance : qreal
- saturation : qreal
- sharpeningLevel : qreal
- whiteBalanceMode : enumeration
Detailed Description
CameraImageProcessing provides control over post-processing done by the camera middleware, including white balance adjustments, contrast, saturation, sharpening, and denoising
It should not be constructed separately, instead the imageProcessing
property of a Camera should be used.
Camera { id: camera imageProcessing { whiteBalanceMode: Camera.WhiteBalanceTungsten contrast: 0.66 saturation: -0.5 } }
Property Documentation
brightness : qreal
Image brightness adjustment. Valid brightness adjustment values range between -1.0 and 1.0, with a default of 0.
This QML property was introduced in Qt 5.7.
colorFilter : enumeration
This property holds which color filter if any will be applied to image data captured by the camera.
It can be one of:
CameraImageProcessing.ColorFilterNone | No filter is applied to images. |
CameraImageProcessing.ColorFilterGrayscale | A grayscale filter. |
CameraImageProcessing.ColorFilterNegative | A negative filter. |
CameraImageProcessing.ColorFilterSolarize | A solarize filter. |
CameraImageProcessing.ColorFilterSepia | A sepia filter. |
CameraImageProcessing.ColorFilterPosterize | A posterize filter. |
CameraImageProcessing.ColorFilterWhiteboard | A whiteboard filter. |
CameraImageProcessing.ColorFilterBlackboard | A blackboard filter. |
CameraImageProcessing.ColorFilterAqua | An aqua filter. |
CameraImageProcessing.ColorFilterVendor | The base value for vendor defined filters. |
This QML property was introduced in Qt 5.5.
contrast : qreal
Image contrast adjustment. Valid contrast adjustment values range between -1.0 and 1.0, with a default of 0.
denoisingLevel : qreal
Adjustment of denoising applied to image.
Valid denoising level values range between -1.0 for for denoising disabled, 0 for default denoising level and 1.0 for maximum denoising applied.
manualWhiteBalance : qreal
The color temperature used when in manual white balance mode (WhiteBalanceManual). The units are Kelvin.
See also whiteBalanceMode.
saturation : qreal
Image saturation adjustment. Valid saturation adjustment values range between -1.0 and 1.0, the default is 0.
sharpeningLevel : qreal
Adjustment of sharpening level applied to image.
Valid sharpening level values range between -1.0 for for sharpening disabled, 0 for default sharpening level and 1.0 for maximum sharpening applied.
whiteBalanceMode : enumeration
Value | Description |
WhiteBalanceManual | Manual white balance. In this mode the manual white balance property value is used. |
WhiteBalanceAuto | Auto white balance mode. |
WhiteBalanceSunlight | Sunlight white balance mode. |
WhiteBalanceCloudy | Cloudy white balance mode. |
WhiteBalanceShade | Shade white balance mode. |
WhiteBalanceTungsten | Tungsten white balance mode. |
WhiteBalanceFluorescent | Fluorescent white balance mode. |
WhiteBalanceFlash | Flash white balance mode. |
WhiteBalanceSunset | Sunset white balance mode. |
WhiteBalanceVendor | Vendor defined white balance mode. |
See also manualWhiteBalance.
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