QRemoteObjectNode Class

A node on a Qt Remote Objects network. More...

Header: #include <QRemoteObjectNode>
qmake: QT += remoteobjects
Inherits: QObject
Inherited By:


Public Types

enum ErrorCode { NoError, RegistryNotAcquired, RegistryAlreadyHosted, NodeIsNoServer, ..., HostUrlInvalid }
enum StorageOwnership { DoNotPassOwnership, PassOwnershipToNode }


  • 1 property inherited from QObject

Public Functions

QRemoteObjectNode(QObject *parent = nullptr)
QRemoteObjectNode(const QUrl &registryAddress, QObject *parent = nullptr)
virtual ~QRemoteObjectNode()
ObjectType * acquire(const QString &name = QString())
QRemoteObjectDynamicReplica * acquireDynamic(const QString &name)
QAbstractItemModelReplica * acquireModel(const QString &name)
bool connectToNode(const QUrl &address)
QStringList instances() const
QStringList instances(const QString &typeName) const
ErrorCode lastError() const
const QRemoteObjectRegistry * registry() const
QUrl registryUrl() const
virtual void setName(const QString &name)
void setPersistedStore(QRemoteObjectPersistedStore *store, StorageOwnership ownership = DoNotPassOwnership)
virtual bool setRegistryUrl(const QUrl &registryAddress)
bool waitForRegistry(int timeout = 30000)

Reimplemented Public Functions

virtual void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *)
  • 32 public functions inherited from QObject


void error(QRemoteObjectNode::ErrorCode errorCode)
void remoteObjectAdded(const QRemoteObjectSourceLocation &loc)
void remoteObjectRemoved(const QRemoteObjectSourceLocation &loc)

Protected Functions

QRemoteObjectNode(QRemoteObjectNodePrivate &, QObject *parent)
  • 9 protected functions inherited from QObject

Additional Inherited Members

  • 1 public slot inherited from QObject
  • 11 static public members inherited from QObject

Detailed Description

A node on a Qt Remote Objects network.

The QRemoteObjectNode class provides an entry point to a QtRemoteObjects network. A network can be as simple as two nodes, or an arbitrarily complex set of processes and devices.

A QRemoteObjectNode does not have a url that other nodes can connect to, and thus is able to acquire replicas only. It is not able to share source objects (only QRemoteObjectHost and QRemoteObjectRegistryHost Nodes can share).

Nodes may connect to each other directly using connectToNode, or they can use the QRemoteObjectRegistry to simplify connections.

The QRemoteObjectRegistry is a special replica available to every node that connects to the Registry Url. It knows how to connect to every QRemoteObjectSource object on the network.

See also QRemoteObjectHost and QRemoteObjectRegistryHost.

Member Type Documentation

enum QRemoteObjectNode::ErrorCode

This enum type specifies the various error codes associated with QRemoteObjectNode errors:

Constant Value Description
QRemoteObjectNode::NoError 0 No error.
QRemoteObjectNode::RegistryNotAcquired 1 The registry could not be acquired.
QRemoteObjectNode::RegistryAlreadyHosted 2 The registry is already defined and hosting Sources.
QRemoteObjectNode::NodeIsNoServer 3 The given QRemoteObjectNode is not a host node.
QRemoteObjectNode::ServerAlreadyCreated 4 The host node has already been initialized.
QRemoteObjectNode::UnintendedRegistryHosting 5 An attempt was made to create a host QRemoteObjectNode and connect to itself as the registry.
QRemoteObjectNode::OperationNotValidOnClientNode 6 The attempted operation is not valid on a client QRemoteObjectNode.
QRemoteObjectNode::SourceNotRegistered 7 The given QRemoteObjectSource is not registered on this node.
QRemoteObjectNode::MissingObjectName 8 The given QObject does not have objectName() set.
QRemoteObjectNode::HostUrlInvalid 9 The given url has an invalid or unrecognized scheme.

enum QRemoteObjectNode::StorageOwnership

Used to tell a node whether it should take ownership of a passed pointer or not:

Constant Value Description
QRemoteObjectNode::DoNotPassOwnership 0 The ownership of the object is not passed.
QRemoteObjectNode::PassOwnershipToNode 1 The ownership of the object is passed, and the node destructor will call delete.

Property Documentation

registryUrl : QUrl

This property holds the address of the Registry used by this node.

This will be an empty QUrl if there is no registry in use.

Access functions:

QUrl registryUrl() const
virtual bool setRegistryUrl(const QUrl &registryAddress)

Member Function Documentation

QRemoteObjectNode::QRemoteObjectNode(QObject *parent = nullptr)

Default constructor for QRemoteObjectNode with the given parent. A Node constructed in this manner can not be connected to, and thus can not expose Source objects on the network. It also will not include a QRemoteObjectRegistry, unless set manually using setRegistryUrl.

See also connectToNode and setRegistryUrl.

QRemoteObjectNode::QRemoteObjectNode(const QUrl &registryAddress, QObject *parent = nullptr)

QRemoteObjectNode connected to a {QRemoteObjectRegistry} {Registry}. A Node constructed in this manner can not be connected to, and thus can not expose Source objects on the network. Finding and connecting to other (Host) Nodes is handled by the QRemoteObjectRegistry specified by registryAddress.

See also connectToNode, setRegistryUrl, QRemoteObjectHost, and QRemoteObjectRegistryHost.

[protected] QRemoteObjectNode::QRemoteObjectNode(QRemoteObjectNodePrivate &, QObject *parent)

Copy constructor.

[virtual] QRemoteObjectNode::~QRemoteObjectNode()

Destroys the instance of QRemoteObjectNode. The destructor is virtual.

ObjectType *QRemoteObjectNode::acquire(const QString &name = QString())

Returns a pointer to a Replica of type ObjectType (which is a template parameter and must inherit from QRemoteObjectReplica). That is, the template parameter must be a repc generated type. The name parameter can be used to specify the name given to the object during the QRemoteObjectHost::enableRemoting() call.

QRemoteObjectDynamicReplica *QRemoteObjectNode::acquireDynamic(const QString &name)

Returns a QRemoteObjectDynamicReplica of the Source name.

QAbstractItemModelReplica *QRemoteObjectNode::acquireModel(const QString &name)

Returns a pointer to a Replica which is specifically derived from QAbstractItemModel. The name provided must match the name used with the matching enableRemoting that put the Model on the network. The returned model will be empty until it is initialized with the Source.

bool QRemoteObjectNode::connectToNode(const QUrl &address)

Connects a client node to the host node at address.

Connections will remain valid until the host node is deleted or no longer accessible over a network.

Once a client is connected to a host, valid Replicas can then be acquired if the corresponding Source is being remoted.

Return true on success, false otherwise (usually an unrecognized url, or connecting to already connected address).

[signal] void QRemoteObjectNode::error(QRemoteObjectNode::ErrorCode errorCode)

QStringList QRemoteObjectNode::instances() const

This templated function (taking a repc generated type as the template parameter) will return the list of names of every instance of that type on the Remote Objects network. For example, if you have a Shape class defined in a .rep file, and Circle and Square classes inherit from the Source definition, they can be shared on the Remote Objects network using enableRemoting.

Square square;
Circle circle;
myHost.enableRemoting(&square, "Square");
myHost.enableRemoting(&circle, "Circle");

Then instance can be used to find the available instances of Shape.

QStringList instances = clientNode.instances<Shape>();
// will return a QStringList containing "Circle" and "Square"
auto instance1 = clientNode.acquire<Shape>("Circle");
auto instance2 = clientNode.acquire<Shape>("Square");

QStringList QRemoteObjectNode::instances(const QString &typeName) const

This function overloads instances().

This convenience function provides the same result as the templated version, but takes the name of the Source class as a parameter (typeName) rather than deriving it from the class type.

ErrorCode QRemoteObjectNode::lastError() const

Returns the last error set.

const QRemoteObjectRegistry *QRemoteObjectNode::registry() const

Returns a pointer to the Node's QRemoteObjectRegistry, if the Node is using the Registry feature; otherwise it returns 0.

[signal] void QRemoteObjectNode::remoteObjectAdded(const QRemoteObjectSourceLocation &loc)

This signal is emitted whenever a new Source object is added to the Registry. The signal will not be emitted if there is no Registry set (i.e., Sources over connections made via connectToNode directly). The loc parameter contains the information about the added Source, including name, type and the QUrl of the hosting Node.

See also remoteObjectRemoved and instances.

[signal] void QRemoteObjectNode::remoteObjectRemoved(const QRemoteObjectSourceLocation &loc)

This signal is emitted whenever there is a known Source object is removed from the Registry. The signal will not be emitted if there is no Registry set (i.e., Sources over connections made via connectToNode directly). The loc parameter contains the information about the removed Source, including name, type and the QUrl of the hosting Node.

See also remoteObjectAdded and instances.

[virtual] void QRemoteObjectNode::setName(const QString &name)

Sets name as the internal name for this Node. This is then output as part of the logging (if enabled). This is primarily useful if you merge log data from multiple nodes.

void QRemoteObjectNode::setPersistedStore(QRemoteObjectPersistedStore *store, StorageOwnership ownership = DoNotPassOwnership)

Provides a QRemoteObjectPersistedStore store for the node, allowing replica PROP members with the PERSISTED trait of PROP to save their current value when the replica is deleted and restore a stored value the next time the replica is started. Requires a QRemoteObjectPersistedStore class implementation to control where and how persistence is handled. Use the QRemoteObjectNode::StorageOwnership enum passed by ownership to determine whether the Node will delete the provided pointer or not.

See also QRemoteObjectPersistedStore and QRemoteObjectNode::StorageOwnership.

[virtual] void QRemoteObjectNode::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *)

Reimplemented from QObject::timerEvent().

bool QRemoteObjectNode::waitForRegistry(int timeout = 30000)

Blocks until this Node's Registry is initialized or timeout (in milliseconds) expires. Returns true if the Registry is successfully initialized upon return, or false otherwise.

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