Canvas3DContextAttributes QML Type

Attribute set for Context3D More...

Import Statement: import QtCanvas3D 1.1
Since: QtCanvas3D 1.0


Detailed Description

Canvas3DContextAttributes is an attribute set that can be given as parameter on first call to Canvas3D object's getContext(string type, Canvas3DContextAttributes options) method call. It can also be requested from the Context3D using Context3D::getContextAttributes() later on to verify what exact attributes are in fact enabled/disabled in the created context.

See also Context3D and Canvas3D.

Property Documentation

alpha : bool

Specifies whether the default render target of the Context3D has an alpha channel for the purposes of blending its contents with overlapping Qt Quick items. Defaults to true.

antialias : bool

Specifies whether antialiasing buffer is created for the default render target of the Context3D. Defaults to true.

depth : bool

Specifies whether a depth attachment is to be created and attached to the default render target of the Context3D. Defaults to true.

failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat : bool

Ignored. Defaults to false.

preferLowPowerToHighPerformance : bool

Ignored. Defaults to false.

premultipliedAlpha : bool

Qt Quick always expects premultiplied alpha values when blending Qt Quick items together, so keeping this property true is recommended. Setting it to false can cause a minor performance impact, as an additional render pass is needed. Defaults to true.

preserveDrawingBuffer : bool

Specifies whether or not the drawing buffer contents are preserved from frame to frame. Ignored when drawing to the background or the foreground of the Qt Quick scene. Defaults to false.

stencil : bool

Specifies whether a stencil attachment is to be created and attached to the default render target of the Context3D. Defaults to false.

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