(PECL gearman >= 0.5.0)
GearmanClient::jobStatus -- gearman_job_status — Get the status of a background job
Object oriented style (method):
public GearmanClient::jobStatus ( string $job_handle ) : array
Gets the status for a background job given a job handle. The status information will specify whether the job is known, whether the job is currently running, and the percentage completion.
The job handle assigned by the Gearman server
Return Values
An array containing status information for the job corresponding to the supplied job handle. The first array element is a boolean indicating whether the job is even known, the second is a boolean indicating whether the job is still running, and the third and fourth elements correspond to the numerator and denominator of the fractional completion percentage, respectively.
Example #1 Monitor the status of a long running background job
<?php /* create our object */ $gmclient= new GearmanClient(); /* add the default server */ $gmclient->addServer(); /* run reverse client */ $job_handle = $gmclient->doBackground("reverse", "this is a test"); if ($gmclient->returnCode() != GEARMAN_SUCCESS) { echo "bad return code\n"; exit; } $done = false; do { sleep(3); $stat = $gmclient->jobStatus($job_handle); if (!$stat[0]) // the job is known so it is not done $done = true; echo "Running: " . ($stat[1] ? "true" : "false") . ", numerator: " . $stat[2] . ", denomintor: " . $stat[3] . "\n"; } while(!$done); echo "done!\n"; ?>
The above example will output something similar to:
Running: true, numerator: 3, denomintor: 14 Running: true, numerator: 6, denomintor: 14 Running: true, numerator: 9, denomintor: 14 Running: true, numerator: 12, denomintor: 14 Running: false, numerator: 0, denomintor: 0 done!
See Also
- GearmanClient::doStatus() - Get the status for the running task
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