The Stack class
(No version information available, might only be in Git)
A Stack is a “last in, first out” or “LIFO” collection that only allows access to the value at the top of the structure and iterates in that order, destructively.
Uses a Ds\Vector internally.
Class synopsis
/* Methods */
public allocate ( int $capacity ) : void
public capacity ( ) : int
public clear ( ) : void
public copy ( ) : Ds\Stack
public isEmpty ( ) : bool
public peek ( ) : mixed
public pop ( ) : mixed
public push ( mixed ...$values ) : void
public toArray ( ) : array}
Version | Description |
PECL ds 1.3.0 | The class now implements ArrayAccess. |
Table of Contents
- Ds\Stack::allocate — Allocates enough memory for a required capacity
- Ds\Stack::capacity — Returns the current capacity
- Ds\Stack::clear — Removes all values
- Ds\Stack::__construct — Creates a new instance
- Ds\Stack::copy — Returns a shallow copy of the stack
- Ds\Stack::count — Returns the number of values in the stack
- Ds\Stack::isEmpty — Returns whether the stack is empty
- Ds\Stack::jsonSerialize — Returns a representation that can be converted to JSON
- Ds\Stack::peek — Returns the value at the top of the stack
- Ds\Stack::pop — Removes and returns the value at the top of the stack
- Ds\Stack::push — Pushes values onto the stack
- Ds\Stack::toArray — Converts the stack to an array
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