(PECL gearman >= 0.5.0)
GearmanClient::addTaskStatus — Add a task to get status
public GearmanClient::addTaskStatus ( string $job_handle [, string &$context ] ) : GearmanTask
Used to request status information from the Gearman server, which will call the specified status callback (set using GearmanClient::setStatusCallback()).
The job handle for the task to get status for
Data to be passed to the status callback, generally a reference to an array or object
Return Values
A GearmanTask object.
Example #1 Monitor completion of multiple background tasks
An artificial delay is introduced in the worker in this example to simulate a long running process. There is only one worker running for this example.
<?php /* create our object */ $gmclient= new GearmanClient(); /* add the default server */ $gmclient->addServer(); /* start some background jobs and save the handles */ $handles = array(); $handles[0] = $gmclient->doBackground("reverse", "Hello World!"); $handles[1] = $gmclient->doBackground("reverse", "!dlroW olleH"); $gmclient->setStatusCallback("reverse_status"); /* Poll the server to see when those background jobs finish; */ /* a better method would be to use event callbacks */ do { /* Use the context variable to track how many tasks have completed */ $done = 0; $gmclient->addTaskStatus($handles[0], &$done); $gmclient->addTaskStatus($handles[1], &$done); $gmclient->runTasks(); echo "Done: $done\n"; sleep(1); } while ($done != 2); function reverse_status($task, $done) { if (!$task->isKnown()) $done++; } ?>
The above example will output something similar to:
Done: 0 Done: 0 Done: 0 Done: 0 Done: 0 Done: 0 Done: 0 Done: 0 Done: 0 Done: 0 Done: 0 Done: 0 Done: 1 Done: 1 Done: 1 Done: 1 Done: 1 Done: 1 Done: 1 Done: 1 Done: 1 Done: 1 Done: 1 Done: 1 Done: 2
See Also
- GearmanClient::setStatusCallback() - Set a callback for collecting task status
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