
(No version information available, might only be in Git)

EventConfig::setMaxDispatchIntervalPrevents priority inversion


public EventConfig::setMaxDispatchInterval (  int $max_interval  ,  int $max_callbacks  ,  int $min_priority  ) : void

Prevents priority inversion by limiting how many low-priority event callbacks can be invoked before checking for more high-priority events.


Available since libevent 2.1.0-alpha .



An interval after which Libevent should stop running callbacks and check for more events, or 0 , if there should be no such interval.


A number of callbacks after which Libevent should stop running callbacks and check for more events, or -1 , if there should be no such limit.


A priority below which max_interval and max_callbacks should not be enforced. If this is set to 0 , they are enforced for events of every priority; if it's set to 1 , they're enforced for events of priority 1 and above, and so on.

Return Values

Returns true on success, otherwise false.

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