(PHP 5 >= 5.6.0, PHP 7)
openssl_spki_new — Generate a new signed public key and challenge
openssl_spki_new ( resource &$privkey , string &$challenge [, int $algorithm = 0 ] ) : string
Generates a signed public key and challenge using specified hashing algorithm
should be set to a private key that was previously generated by openssl_pkey_new() (or otherwise obtained from the other openssl_pkey family of functions). The corresponding public portion of the key will be used to sign the CSR. -
The challenge associated to associate with the SPKAC
The digest algorithm. See openssl_get_md_method().
Return Values
Returns a signed public key and challenge string or NULL on failure.
Emits an E_WARNING
level error if an unknown signature algorithm is passed via the algorithm
Example #1 openssl_spki_new() example
Generate a new SPKAC with the default digest (MD5)
<?php $pkey = openssl_pkey_new('secret password'); $spkac = openssl_spki_new($pkey, 'testing'); if ($spkac !== NULL) { echo $spkac; } else { echo "SPKAC generation failed"; } ?>
The above example will output something similar to:
MIICRzCCAS8wggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDM3V3sS4o4 mB9dczziRnjGAmSp+JwPrHoYMAFGvDNmZGyiWfU586X4BKs++BAj7e/FsAfno0Hd hN9FwpCNFSox30L03nQvLYJE7f/WqigwBeMRT7Op/xvFks4sT70xP2HRYv4KqP9a WRcKU6cFH8VxhFhqM2txEIxZKdFLaL28yT7bEDmcglf4JLDdgNMb9rET1dkgtKE6 dOaJHPGjf1uvnOH4YwkQr7n4sLUR3Kdbh0ZJAFuQVDZulo+LLzxBBkqJJcB6FhF+ oXCdHTKZnqAhpWDz+NXYytAmevab6IYm5TWPWsJUv1YKJA5lg2mXbbloIZlN9Mgc i9fi03bdw+crAgMBAAEWB3Rlc3RpbmcwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEEBQADggEBALyUvP/o pPSoWBlorFyZ2RnGwKf9qMpE0q2IJP7G3oDR4LyK/m933DUiZ+YnqThrH/CWb4Ek y5I3OCyl3S4wCuU1ibZZwDVwYShr5ELp0J9PEf7qMQZOhNsizoC7k+Czb2xB6hYW sKfsfTKm3cXBtH3fdgc/Z1Z7VSWnAzYo38snqm72NTf5yFRnrQdphNNXi+kn1zHA lxXRyFDXHOcYsOnwAWfyXFA4QDHQ0ezz0UoCY8gJXovcZb4GRYqOLUAsF2HcNboy 29WN8VqE29sL9QxVZFlwMcqyoLcNnyw38GvNvAGqSvzzbnEFP2MAQXJVe0H0hdp/ MML5G2iNVgNozAo=
See Also
- openssl_spki_verify() - Verifies a signed public key and challenge
- openssl_spki_export_challenge() - Exports the challenge associated with a signed public key and challenge
- openssl_spki_export() - Exports a valid PEM formatted public key signed public key and challenge
- openssl_get_md_methods() - Gets available digest methods
- openssl_csr_new() - Generates a CSR
- openssl_csr_sign() - Sign a CSR with another certificate (or itself) and generate a certificate
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