Interface ThreadGroupReference

All Superinterfaces:
Mirror, ObjectReference, Value
public interface ThreadGroupReference
extends ObjectReference

A thread group object from the target VM. A ThreadGroupReference is an ObjectReference with additional access to threadgroup-specific information from the target VM.



Fields declared in interface com.sun.jdi.ObjectReference



Modifier and Type Method Description
String name()

Returns the name of this thread group.

ThreadGroupReference parent()

Returns the parent of this thread group.

void resume()

Resumes all threads in this thread group.

void suspend()

Suspends all threads in this thread group.

List<ThreadGroupReference> threadGroups()

Returns a List containing each active ThreadGroupReference in this thread group.

List<ThreadReference> threads()

Returns a List containing a ThreadReference for each live thread in this thread group.

Methods declared in interface com.sun.jdi.Mirror

toString, virtualMachine

Methods declared in interface com.sun.jdi.ObjectReference

disableCollection, enableCollection, entryCount, equals, getValue, getValues, hashCode, invokeMethod, isCollected, owningThread, referenceType, referringObjects, setValue, uniqueID, waitingThreads

Methods declared in interface com.sun.jdi.Value




String name()

Returns the name of this thread group.

the string containing the thread group name.


ThreadGroupReference parent()

Returns the parent of this thread group.

a ThreadGroupReference mirroring the parent of this thread group in the target VM, or null if this is a top-level thread group.


void suspend()

Suspends all threads in this thread group. Each thread in this group and in all of its subgroups will be suspended as described in ThreadReference.suspend(). This is not guaranteed to be an atomic operation; if the target VM is not interrupted at the time this method is called, it is possible that new threads will be created between the time that threads are enumerated and all of them have been suspended.

VMCannotBeModifiedException - if the VirtualMachine is read-only - see VirtualMachine.canBeModified().


void resume()

Resumes all threads in this thread group. Each thread in this group and in all of its subgroups will be resumed as described in ThreadReference.resume().

VMCannotBeModifiedException - if the VirtualMachine is read-only - see VirtualMachine.canBeModified().


List<ThreadReference> threads()

Returns a List containing a ThreadReference for each live thread in this thread group. Only the live threads in this immediate thread group (and not its subgroups) are returned. A thread is alive if it has been started and has not yet been stopped.

a List of ThreadReference objects mirroring the live threads from this thread group in the target VM.


List<ThreadGroupReference> threadGroups()

Returns a List containing each active ThreadGroupReference in this thread group. Only the active thread groups in this immediate thread group (and not its subgroups) are returned. See ThreadGroup for information about 'active' ThreadGroups.

a List of ThreadGroupReference objects mirroring the active thread groups from this thread group in the target VM.

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