Class IvParameterSpec

All Implemented Interfaces:
public class IvParameterSpec
extends Object
implements AlgorithmParameterSpec

This class specifies an initialization vector (IV). Examples which use IVs are ciphers in feedback mode, e.g., DES in CBC mode and RSA ciphers with OAEP encoding operation.



Constructor Description
IvParameterSpec​(byte[] iv)

Creates an IvParameterSpec object using the bytes in iv as the IV.

IvParameterSpec​(byte[] iv, int offset, int len)

Creates an IvParameterSpec object using the first len bytes in iv, beginning at offset inclusive, as the IV.


Modifier and Type Method Description
byte[] getIV()

Returns the initialization vector (IV).

Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait



public IvParameterSpec(byte[] iv)

Creates an IvParameterSpec object using the bytes in iv as the IV.

iv - the buffer with the IV. The contents of the buffer are copied to protect against subsequent modification.
NullPointerException - if iv is null


public IvParameterSpec(byte[] iv,
                       int offset,
                       int len)

Creates an IvParameterSpec object using the first len bytes in iv, beginning at offset inclusive, as the IV.

The bytes that constitute the IV are those between iv[offset] and iv[offset+len-1] inclusive.

iv - the buffer with the IV. The first len bytes of the buffer beginning at offset inclusive are copied to protect against subsequent modification.
offset - the offset in iv where the IV starts.
len - the number of IV bytes.
IllegalArgumentException - if iv is null or (iv.length - offset < len)
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException - is thrown if offset or len index bytes outside the iv.



public byte[] getIV()

Returns the initialization vector (IV).

the initialization vector (IV). Returns a new array each time this method is called.

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