Class MediaTray

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, Attribute, DocAttribute, PrintJobAttribute, PrintRequestAttribute
public class MediaTray
extends Media
implements Attribute

Class MediaTray is a subclass of Media. Class MediaTray is a printing attribute class, an enumeration, that specifies the media tray or bin for the job. This attribute can be used instead of specifying MediaSize or MediaName.

Class MediaTray declares keywords for standard media kind values. Implementation- or site-defined names for a media kind attribute may also be created by defining a subclass of class MediaTray.

IPP Compatibility: MediaTray is a representation class for values of the IPP "media" attribute which name paper trays.

See Also:
Serialized Form


Modifier and Type Field Description
static MediaTray BOTTOM

The bottom input tray in the printer.

static MediaTray ENVELOPE

The envelope input tray in the printer.

static MediaTray LARGE_CAPACITY

The large capacity input tray in the printer.

static MediaTray MAIN

The main input tray in the printer.

static MediaTray MANUAL

The manual feed input tray in the printer.

static MediaTray MIDDLE

The middle input tray in the printer.

static MediaTray SIDE

The side input tray.

static MediaTray TOP

The top input tray in the printer.


Modifier Constructor Description
protected MediaTray​(int value)

Construct a new media tray enumeration value with the given integer value.


Modifier and Type Method Description
protected EnumSyntax[] getEnumValueTable()

Returns the enumeration value table for class MediaTray.

protected String[] getStringTable()

Returns the string table for class MediaTray.

Methods declared in class javax.print.attribute.standard.Media

equals, getCategory, getName

Methods declared in class javax.print.attribute.EnumSyntax

clone, getOffset, getValue, hashCode, readResolve, toString

Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Methods declared in interface javax.print.attribute.Attribute

getCategory, getName



public static final MediaTray TOP

The top input tray in the printer.


public static final MediaTray MIDDLE

The middle input tray in the printer.


public static final MediaTray BOTTOM

The bottom input tray in the printer.


public static final MediaTray ENVELOPE

The envelope input tray in the printer.


public static final MediaTray MANUAL

The manual feed input tray in the printer.


public static final MediaTray LARGE_CAPACITY

The large capacity input tray in the printer.


public static final MediaTray MAIN

The main input tray in the printer.


public static final MediaTray SIDE

The side input tray.



protected MediaTray(int value)

Construct a new media tray enumeration value with the given integer value.

value - Integer value



protected String[] getStringTable()

Returns the string table for class MediaTray.

getStringTable in class EnumSyntax
the string table


protected EnumSyntax[] getEnumValueTable()

Returns the enumeration value table for class MediaTray.

getEnumValueTable in class EnumSyntax
the value table

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