Class SNIMatcher

public abstract class SNIMatcher
extends Object

Instances of this class represent a matcher that performs match operations on an SNIServerName instance.

Servers can use Server Name Indication (SNI) information to decide if specific SSLSocket or SSLEngine instances should accept a connection. For example, when multiple "virtual" or "name-based" servers are hosted on a single underlying network address, the server application can use SNI information to determine whether this server is the exact server that the client wants to access. Instances of this class can be used by a server to verify the acceptable server names of a particular type, such as host names.

SNIMatcher objects are immutable. Subclasses should not provide methods that can change the state of an instance once it has been created.

See Also:
SNIServerName, SNIHostName, SSLParameters.getSNIMatchers(), SSLParameters.setSNIMatchers(Collection)


Modifier Constructor Description
protected SNIMatcher​(int type)

Creates an SNIMatcher using the specified server name type.


Modifier and Type Method Description
int getType()

Returns the server name type of this SNIMatcher object.

abstract boolean matches​(SNIServerName serverName)

Attempts to match the given SNIServerName.

Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait



protected SNIMatcher(int type)

Creates an SNIMatcher using the specified server name type.

type - the type of the server name that this matcher performs on
IllegalArgumentException - if type is not in the range of 0 to 255, inclusive.



public final int getType()

Returns the server name type of this SNIMatcher object.

the server name type of this SNIMatcher object.
See Also:


public abstract boolean matches(SNIServerName serverName)

Attempts to match the given SNIServerName.

serverName - the SNIServerName instance on which this matcher performs match operations
true if, and only if, the matcher matches the given serverName
NullPointerException - if serverName is null
IllegalArgumentException - if serverName is not of the given server name type of this matcher
See Also:

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