Class TIFFImageReadParam

public final class TIFFImageReadParam
extends ImageReadParam

A subclass of ImageReadParam allowing control over the TIFF reading process.

Because TIFF is an extensible format, the reader requires information about any tags used by TIFF extensions in order to emit meaningful metadata. Also, TIFF extensions may define new compression types. Both types of information about extensions may be provided by this interface.

Additional TIFF tags must be organized into TIFFTagSets. A TIFFTagSet may be provided to the reader by means of the addAllowedTagSet method. By default, the tag sets BaselineTIFFTagSet, FaxTIFFTagSet, ExifParentTIFFTagSet, and GeoTIFFTagSet are included.

Forcing reading of fields corresponding to TIFFTags not in any of the allowed TIFFTagSets may be effected via setReadUnknownTags.



Fields declared in class javax.imageio.ImageReadParam

canSetSourceRenderSize, destination, destinationBands, minProgressivePass, numProgressivePasses, sourceRenderSize

Fields declared in class javax.imageio.IIOParam

controller, defaultController, destinationOffset, destinationType, sourceBands, sourceRegion, sourceXSubsampling, sourceYSubsampling, subsamplingXOffset, subsamplingYOffset


Constructor Description

Constructs a TIFFImageReadParam.


Modifier and Type Method Description
void addAllowedTagSet​(TIFFTagSet tagSet)

Adds a TIFFTagSet object to the list of allowed tag sets.

List<TIFFTagSet> getAllowedTagSets()

Returns a List containing the allowed TIFFTagSet objects.

boolean getReadUnknownTags()

Retrieve the setting of whether to read fields corresponding to unknown TIFFTags.

void removeAllowedTagSet​(TIFFTagSet tagSet)

Removes a TIFFTagSet object from the list of allowed tag sets.

void setReadUnknownTags​(boolean readUnknownTags)

Set whether to read fields corresponding to TIFFTags not in the allowed TIFFTagSets.

Methods declared in class javax.imageio.ImageReadParam

canSetSourceRenderSize, getDestination, getDestinationBands, getSourceMaxProgressivePass, getSourceMinProgressivePass, getSourceNumProgressivePasses, getSourceRenderSize, setDestination, setDestinationBands, setSourceProgressivePasses, setSourceRenderSize

Methods declared in class javax.imageio.IIOParam

activateController, getController, getDefaultController, getDestinationOffset, getDestinationType, getSourceBands, getSourceRegion, getSourceXSubsampling, getSourceYSubsampling, getSubsamplingXOffset, getSubsamplingYOffset, hasController, setController, setDestinationOffset, setDestinationType, setSourceBands, setSourceRegion, setSourceSubsampling

Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait



public TIFFImageReadParam()

Constructs a TIFFImageReadParam. Tags defined by the TIFFTagSets BaselineTIFFTagSet, FaxTIFFTagSet, ExifParentTIFFTagSet, and GeoTIFFTagSet will be supported.

See Also:
BaselineTIFFTagSet, FaxTIFFTagSet, ExifParentTIFFTagSet, GeoTIFFTagSet



public void addAllowedTagSet(TIFFTagSet tagSet)

Adds a TIFFTagSet object to the list of allowed tag sets. Attempting to add a duplicate object to the list has no effect.

tagSet - a TIFFTagSet.
IllegalArgumentException - if tagSet is null.


public void removeAllowedTagSet(TIFFTagSet tagSet)

Removes a TIFFTagSet object from the list of allowed tag sets. Removal is based on the equals method of the TIFFTagSet, which is normally defined as reference equality.

tagSet - a TIFFTagSet.
IllegalArgumentException - if tagSet is null.


public List<TIFFTagSet> getAllowedTagSets()

Returns a List containing the allowed TIFFTagSet objects.

a List of TIFFTagSets.


public void setReadUnknownTags(boolean readUnknownTags)

Set whether to read fields corresponding to TIFFTags not in the allowed TIFFTagSets. The default setting is false. If the TIFF ImageReader is ignoring metadata, then a setting of true is overridden as all metadata are ignored except those essential to reading the image itself.

readUnknownTags - Whether to read fields of unrecognized tags


public boolean getReadUnknownTags()

Retrieve the setting of whether to read fields corresponding to unknown TIFFTags.

Whether to read fields of unrecognized tags

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