Installing of Windows features using DISM
Install windows features/capabilties with DISM
Language.Basic~~~en-US~ dism.capability_installed NetFx3: dism.feature_installed
Install a DISM capability
- Parameters
name (str) -- The capability to install
source (str) -- The optional source of the capability
limit_access (bool) -- Prevent DISM from contacting Windows Update for online images
image (Optional[str]) -- The path to the root directory of an offline Windows image. If None is passed, the running operating system is targeted. Default is None.
restart (Optional[bool]) -- Reboot the machine if required by the install
to get a list of available capabilities. This will help you get the proper name to use.install_dotnet35: dism.capability_installed: - name: NetFX3~~~~
salt.states.win_dism.capability_installed(name, source=None, limit_access=False, image=None, restart=False)
Uninstall a DISM capability
- Parameters
to get a list of installed capabilities. This will help you get the proper name to use.remove_dotnet35: dism.capability_removed: - name: NetFX3~~~~
salt.states.win_dism.capability_removed(name, image=None, restart=False)
Install a DISM feature
- Parameters
name (str) -- The feature in which to install
package (Optional[str]) -- The parent package for the feature. You do not have to specify the package if it is the Windows Foundation Package. Otherwise, use package to specify the parent package of the feature
source (str) -- The optional source of the feature
limit_access (bool) -- Prevent DISM from contacting Windows Update for online images
enable_parent (Optional[bool]) -- True will enable all parent features of the specified feature
image (Optional[str]) -- The path to the root directory of an offline Windows image. If None is passed, the running operating system is targeted. Default is None.
restart (Optional[bool]) -- Reboot the machine if required by the install
to get a list of available features. This will help you get the proper name to use.install_telnet_client: dism.feature_installed: - name: TelnetClient
salt.states.win_dism.feature_installed(name, package=None, source=None, limit_access=False, enable_parent=False, image=None, restart=False)
Disables a feature.
- Parameters
name (str) -- The feature to disable
remove_payload (Optional[bool]) -- Remove the feature's payload. Must supply source when enabling in the future.
image (Optional[str]) -- The path to the root directory of an offline Windows image. If None is passed, the running operating system is targeted. Default is None.
restart (Optional[bool]) -- Reboot the machine if required by the install
to get a list of installed features. This will help you get the proper name to use.remove_telnet_client: dism.feature_removed: - name: TelnetClient - remove_payload: True
salt.states.win_dism.feature_removed(name, remove_payload=False, image=None, restart=False)
Install a package.
- Parameters
name (str) -- The package to install. Can be a .cab file, a .msu file, or a folder
ignore_check (Optional[bool]) -- Skip installation of the package if the applicability checks fail
prevent_pending (Optional[bool]) -- Skip the installation of the package if there are pending online actions
image (Optional[str]) -- The path to the root directory of an offline Windows image. If None is passed, the running operating system is targeted. Default is None.
restart (Optional[bool]) -- Reboot the machine if required by the install
install_KB123123123: dism.package_installed: - name: C:\Packages\
salt.states.win_dism.package_installed(name, ignore_check=False, prevent_pending=False, image=None, restart=False)
Uninstall a package
- Parameters
name (str) -- The full path to the package. Can be either a .cab file or a folder. Should point to the original source of the package, not to where the file is installed. This can also be the name of a package as listed in
image (Optional[str]) -- The path to the root directory of an offline Windows image. If None is passed, the running operating system is targeted. Default is None.
restart (Optional[bool]) -- Reboot the machine if required by the install
# Example using source remove_KB1231231: dism.package_installed: - name: C:\Packages\ # Example using name from ``dism.installed_packages`` remove_KB1231231: dism.package_installed: - name: Package_for_KB1231231~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~
salt.states.win_dism.package_removed(name, image=None, restart=False)
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