Management of NFS exports
New in version 2018.3.0.
To ensure an NFS export exists:
add_simple_export: nfs_export.present: - name: '/srv/nfs' - hosts: '' - options: - 'rw'
This creates the following in /etc/exports:
For more complex exports with multiple groups of hosts, use 'clients':
add_complex_export: nfs_export.present: - name: '/srv/nfs' - clients: # First export, same as simple one above - hosts: '' options: - 'rw' # Second export - hosts: '*' options: - 'ro' - 'subtree_check'
This creates the following in /etc/exports:
Any export of the given path will be modified to match the one specified.
To ensure an NFS export is absent:
delete_export: nfs_export.absent: - name: '/srv/nfs'
Ensure that the named path is not exported
- name
The export path to remove
salt.states.nfs_export.absent(name, exports='/etc/exports')
Ensure that the named export is present with the given options
- name
The export path to configure
- clients
A list of hosts and the options applied to them. This option may not be used in combination with the 'hosts' or 'options' shortcuts.
- clients: # First export - hosts: '' options: - 'rw' # Second export - hosts: '*' options: - 'ro' - 'subtree_check'
- hosts
A string matching a number of hosts, for example:
hosts: '' hosts: '' hosts: '' hosts: '*' hosts: '*'
- options
A list of NFS options, for example:
options: - 'rw' - 'subtree_check'
salt.states.nfs_export.present(name, clients=None, hosts=None, options=None, exports='/etc/exports')
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