An execution module that interacts with the Datadog API
The following parameters are required for all functions.
- api_key
The datadog API key
- app_key
The datadog application key
Full argument reference is available on the Datadog API reference page
Cancel a downtime by id or by scope.
CLI Example:
salt-call datadog.cancel_downtime scope='host:app01' \ api_key='0123456789' \ app_key='9876543210'`
Arguments - Either scope or id is required.
- Parameters
id -- The downtime ID
scope -- The downtime scope
salt.modules.datadog_api.cancel_downtime(api_key=None, app_key=None, scope=None, id=None)
Post an event to the Datadog stream.
CLI Example
salt-call datadog.post_event api_key='0123456789' \ app_key='9876543210' \ title='Salt Highstate' \ text="Salt highstate was run on $(salt-call grains.get id)" \ tags='["service:salt", "event:highstate"]'
Required arguments
- Parameters
title -- The event title. Limited to 100 characters.
text -- The body of the event. Limited to 4000 characters. The text supports markdown.
Optional arguments
- Parameters
date_happened -- POSIX timestamp of the event.
priority -- The priority of the event ('normal' or 'low').
host -- Host name to associate with the event.
tags -- A list of tags to apply to the event.
alert_type -- "error", "warning", "info" or "success".
aggregation_key -- An arbitrary string to use for aggregation, max length of 100 characters.
source_type_name -- The type of event being posted.
salt.modules.datadog_api.post_event(api_key=None, app_key=None, title=None, text=None, date_happened=None, priority=None, host=None, tags=None, alert_type=None, aggregation_key=None, source_type_name=None)
Schedule downtime for a scope of monitors.
CLI Example:
salt-call datadog.schedule_downtime 'host:app2' \ stop=$(date --date='30 minutes' +%s) \ app_key='0123456789' \ api_key='9876543210'
Optional arguments
- Parameters
monitor_id -- The ID of the monitor
start -- Start time in seconds since the epoch
end -- End time in seconds since the epoch
message -- A message to send in a notification for this downtime
recurrence -- Repeat this downtime periodically
timezone -- Specify the timezone
salt.modules.datadog_api.schedule_downtime(scope, api_key=None, app_key=None, monitor_id=None, start=None, end=None, message=None, recurrence=None, timezone=None, test=False)
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